Perch rice cake noodle in Vietnamese cuisine

The sweet aroma from the bone broth, the fish meat, the rice cake,

the coolness of the spices, creates an incredible taste in Vietnamese cuisine.

Imagine a bowl of hot soup with the white color of rice paper, the bright yellow color of fried fish, t

he tiny amount of fish roe, the red color of tomato, the cool green of dill, or vegetables and celery. All mixed in a bowl of clear golden broth.

Adding a little garlic and chili is enough to wake up the taste of sour, spicy, salty, sweet, pungent in Vietnamese cuisine

Flavor created perch rice cake noodle

Perch rice cake noodle The fragrant sweetness from the bone broth, from fish meat, from the taste of rice and rice cakes,

from the coolness of herbs and spices creates an extraordinary flavor.

Imagine a bowl of hot soup with the white of rice paper, the yellow of fried fish, tiny fish eggs,

the red of tomatoes, the cool green of dill, spinach or mustard greens, celery.

All mixed together in a bowl of clear yellow broth.

Adding a little garlic and chili is enough to awaken the taste buds of sour, spicy, salty, sweet, and pungent flavors.

To cook a delicious bowl of soup, you need to choose perch with a plump yellow body and sharp fins.

The perch should not be too big, about 2 fingers in size.

The fish meat, after being skillfully separated from the bones, is also marinated and processed in a crispy fried or salty way

depending on the taste and habits of the region. The rice paper (also known as noodles)

used with fish soup is white or red but the fibers must be chewy and soft.