What Jeju Island Is Famous For

Jeju Island can be quite a famous place in the world, because it appears many times in Korean movies. Thanks to that, it has attracted many tourists as this island possesses many poetic natural scenery combined with the sea to create poetic scenery. So what is Jeju Island famous for? Why attract tourists here? Join us to explore this island right in the article below.

Overview of information about Jeju Island

Before finding out information about what Jeju Island is famous for? Then we will learn together about this largest island in Korea.

Jeju Island is 41km long and 73km wide. The island has a temperate climate that is cool all year round. The most impressive thing about this beautiful island is the harmonious and poetic natural scenery that makes visitors come here fascinated. At the same time, this place also has many other beautiful landscapes, please explore them below.

Cuisine cannot be missed when coming to Jeju

Black pork

When talking about Jeju cuisine, it is impossible not to mention black pork. The reason this pig is called “black pig” is because this breed of pig has a small body, thick black skin, stiff bristles and is only present in Jeju. Inside, the meat is fragrant, has little fat, and the parts with fat have a light taste, not at all greasy

Koreans often grill black pork to eat. This method will help keep the meat’s sweetness and sweetness as well as the fat under the skin of the black pork. You should roll the meat with raw vegetables, perilla leaves and dip it with Korean chili sauce.

There are many restaurants that grill Jeju black pork, but you should try Don Sa Don (돈사돈), a very popular barbecue restaurant here to enjoy the most delicious food.

Jeonbokjuk abalone porridge

For a long time, Jeju Island abalone has been considered a rare seafood with high nutritional value. Jeju abalone is known for its natural sweetness and unique flavor due to its mineral-rich marine environment.

Porridge is cooked from rice grains and abalone, has a sweet and fragrant taste. It can be said that Jeonbokjuk is a nutritious and healthy traditional dish loved by Koreans. When enjoying Jeonbokjuk abalone porridge, you can add spices such as chopped green onions, black pepper, onion fat and a little fish sauce to enhance the flavor.

To enjoy abalone porridge, you can visit Daerim Jung restaurant – a traditional restaurant in Jeju, famous for its specialty dishes. Their Jeonbokjuk abalone porridge is highly regarded for its fresh oysters and rich flavor. Or you can enjoy it at Myeongjin Jeonbok Abalone Restaurant (명진전복). Here is also famous for delicious abalone porridge.

Chicken Qin Sam

Samgyetang is a famous traditional dish in Korea, especially in Jeju. Because this island is famous for the best ginseng and herbs.

Tan Sam Chicken is a combination of whole chicken with herbs such as ginseng, astragalus, jujube… mainly ginseng which is very good for health. This dish is said to have the effect of improving health, cooling the body and enhancing resistance.

When enjoying, Koreans often eat it with raw vegetables such as herbs, raw vegetables, kimchi and salt and pepper.

You can visit Biwon Restaurant, open for more than 50 years, with a spacious, airy space, attracting tourists to enjoy this dish. The meal costs 15,000 won (about 270,000 VND) and is presented in a large bowl, fragrant and delicious.

Memil Guksu Buckwheat Noodles

Memil Guksu Buckwheat Noodles is a famous specialty dish on Jeju Island, Korea. This noodle is made from buckwheat flour, a special grain originating from Jeju Island.

Memil Guksu has a thin and light noodle shape, white or light brown in color, giving it a characteristic softness and chewiness.

Memil Guksu Buckwheat Noodles are often made into a cool summer dish, in which the noodles are mixed with fish sauce, garlic, onions and raw vegetables such as spinach, cilantro, carrots, cucumbers and chili.

When you come to Jeju, you can enjoy Memil Guksu Buckwheat Noodles at traditional eateries, local restaurants or small shops specializing in noodles. Some famous places to enjoy this noodle are Memil Guksu Alley in Seongsan, Gasi Tteokguk restaurant in Jeju City and Hui Seon Won restaurant in Pyoseon.

When should you visit Jeju Island?

After getting the answer to “What is famous about Jeju Island?” Let’s plan a trip to Jeju Island together. You can go any time of the year to discover what Jeju Island is famous for. However, the appropriate time for you to choose to travel to Jeju and see the scenery here is from April to October. Because when the weather on Jeju Island in the summer and fall will be slightly different. The cold helps make the natural scenery here even more beautiful.

This will be very suitable for tourists as it is not too cold or too hot, making it convenient to visit and explore more tourist destinations. So you can check in and take virtual photos. At the end of winter, Jeju Island will have white snow and very cold air.

What is famous about exploring Jeju Island that attracts tourists to visit?

Known as a famous island that attracts a large number of tourists when traveling to Korea. However, we do not know what famous places or landscapes on Jeju Island are. So let’s take a look at the places that you cannot miss when you have the opportunity to come here.

The beach has a statue of the old man Dol hareubang

One of the symbols that makes Jeju Island stand out is Dol hareubang island. The unique feature of this beach is the stone statue of an old man created by nature.

According to the people on the island, for women who want to give birth to a son, just come here and touch the nose of this stone statue and their wish will be fulfilled immediately.

Hyeopjae is a beautiful natural beach Jeju Island

The answer to what Jeju Island is famous for is Hyeopjae Beach. This beach is in the list of top 10 most beautiful beaches on Jeju Island. This beach has clear blue water, fine white sand, and moreover, the waves are not too fierce. Here you can admire the beautiful natural scenery like a painting.

Majestic Cheonjiyeon Waterfall on Jeju Island

If you ask, what is famous on Jeju Island? Surely you will immediately receive the answer: Cheonjiyeon waterfall. This place is also one of the attractive tourist destinations of the island.

Possessing an extremely beautiful waterfall scene bestowed by nature, pouring down from the rocky mountain floor, like a poetic natural painting. This waterfall has a height of 22m and the waterfall flows white all year round. Here, visitors can visit and admire the scenery of this nature.

Hallasan Mountain is the highest peak in Korea

If we have mentioned the sea and waterfalls, we cannot ignore one famous place on Jeju Island: Hallasan Mountain. This mountain is more than 5,000 years old and is also the highest mountain in Korea. Even though many years have passed since the war, the mountain still stands tall to witness the history here.

In addition, Hallasan Mountain is also recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. When visitors come here, you can climb to the top of the mountain to visit the former volcanic crater that has now become a beautiful lake. In addition, here you will experience nature listening to birds chirping and in the distance you will see a beautiful field of blooming flowers.

What is famous about Jeju Island Manjanggul Cave?

It can be said that Manjanggul cave, according to experts, possesses natural beauty. Like Hallasan Mountain, Manjanggul Cave is also recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. There are up to 30,000 artifacts of bats and 38 diverse species of animals, including spiders.

Seongsan Iichulbong mountain peak in Jeju island

The peak of Seongsan Iichulbong mountain on Jeju Island is also on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list. This mountain was formed from a volcano 5,000 years ago. The top of Seongsan Mountain is shaped like a giant ancient fortress with an extremely unique and impressive structure that attracts tourists here to visit and check in.

Explore the Olle trail now Jeju Island

What is famous about one of the landmarks on Jeju Island? When coming here, visitors can walk on this Olle trail with rows of green trees on both sides. Especially for tourists who come in the spring, the natural landscape will be fresh and green, which will help those who are tired and sad reduce their sadness when taking a relaxing walk here.

Visit the vast green O’sulloc tea hill

Most of the products processed in Korea in terms of tea, cosmetics, cakes, and tea-related products are taken from this O’sulloc hill. Here you can just admire the natural scenery with a vast green color and you will feel very comfortable. In addition, this place also has delicious tea specialties that visitors can buy as gifts.