Top 10 attractions not to miss when traveling to Binh Ba Island

Binh Ba is a small island in Cam Ranh city, Khanh Hoa province, located 60km south of Nha Trang city. The word “Binh” in the name Binh Ba is interpreted by the people here as “peaceful” or the origin of ancestors coming from Binh Dinh to settle down. Binh Ba Island has very beautiful scenery with long white sand beaches. This place has increasingly proven its strong tourist attraction as the number of visitors coming here each year is increasing.  This place possesses clear blue beaches and wild natural beauty that attracts many tourists.


Binh Ba wooden house area

Binh Ba has beautiful scenery, long white sand beaches, delicious and cheap seafood and many famous attractions that attract many tourists. Not only that, Binh Ba also owns extremely beautiful motels, one of which cannot help but mention Bai Nom motel – a famous tourist destination of Binh Ba that many young people come to check in. The wooden house area located at the end of Bai Nom stands out with unique wooden houses facing the sea. Many people come here to relax and rest because the atmosphere here is cool and pleasant, and the natural scenery is as harmonious as a painting. Many young people enjoy checking in with the simple but cool wooden houses here.

With a prime location precariously located between two protruding ravines, the Bai Nom wooden house area attracts many tourists because of its beautiful sea view that is rare anywhere else. The atmosphere here is extremely airy with clear blue beaches and white sand. Coming here, you can enjoy the atmosphere of the sea breeze and listen to the whispering sound of the silver waves pounding the shore day and night, making all the pressure at work, fatigue, and stress also swept away by the wind. The wooden house area at Bai Nom includes many unique small houses, roofed with leaves, walls made of bamboo, wood… built facing the sea, creating a feeling of peace and comfort for visitors. Furthermore, this is also an ideal place for those who like to live virtually.

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Binh Ba communal house

Binh Ba is a wonderful island, a natural masterpiece of creation. The beauty of Binh Ba is a combination of turquoise sea, long white sand beaches and extremely diverse ecosystem. Coming to Binh Ba, you will have the opportunity to admire the beauty of brilliant coral, immerse yourself in cool water, enjoy fresh seafood dishes, at extremely affordable prices. However, if you come to Binh Ba to just enjoy the beautiful scenery and delicious food, you are still lacking. Visit Binh Ba communal house to admire the ancient architecture and listen to interesting stories about this communal house. Binh Ba communal house has existed for about 200 years and is a sacred place revered by people on the island. Looking back in history, Binh Ba communal house in Binh Ba village, Vinh Xuong District has been crowned king four times.

From these ordinations, we can see that Binh Ba Communal House has a great history and is a very important cultural and religious place for the people on the island. For that reason, on October 14, 2011, Binh Ba communal house was recognized by the People’s Committee of Khanh Hoa province as a Provincial Historical – Cultural relic. Every year during Tet holidays, the village communal house is the place where cultural activities of Binh Ba islanders take place. In particular, the forms of singing, dancing, and singing are performed very methodically by fishermen on the island. Mainly describing the stories of the village’s founding in the past, the content tells about the early days of establishing the land and remembering the merits of the predecessors. Tourists participating in the tour to visit Binh Ba on these days will have the opportunity to witness firsthand the festivals taking place on the island, activities rich in cultural identity and carrying the beliefs of the fishermen.

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Sa Huynh Beach

Binh Ba is one of the famous tourist destinations of Vietnam. This place has many beautiful beaches that attract domestic and foreign tourists. Sa Huynh Beach is a beautiful and famous beach located near Binh Ba Island. If you want to have a complete vacation, immersing yourself in the sea, then immediately explore this attractive destination. Sa Huynh is a beach located near Binh Ba island, located on the Cam Ranh peninsula. Running along Highway 1A from South to North, you can see Sa Huynh beach looming in the distance with long stretches of white sand. Currently, the surrounding area of the island is controlled by border guards, so tourists can no longer travel freely as before. However, if you go on a tour or go with local people, it will be easier to explore.

Considered a new location in Binh Ba, Sa Huynh is increasingly attracting many tourists because of the peaceful beauty of the sea and unique interesting activities. Coming here, you can experience all the pleasures of the sea. Take a walk on the beach, watch the sunrise or meditate on the beach. The highlight of Sa Huynh beach is the long stretches of fine white sand and clear blue water. Because the scenery here is very peaceful, it is very suitable for couples to take a walk to watch the sunrise or sunset. Besides, you can also meditate on the beach, listen to the sound of waves and wind to relax your soul after the worries of life. Unlike other beaches, Sa Huynh does not have many sea urchins or dead coral. Therefore, swimming here is very suitable. You will be immersed in the cool, clear blue water of the sea. Sa Huynh is a beach with many coral reefs of many different colors and shapes. You only need to dive a few meters to see the wonderful scenery of the sea.

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Bai Nom

Emerging as a tourism phenomenon, Binh Ba in recent years has always been a favorite destination for tourists. On this beautiful island, there is a beach that has captivated the hearts of many tourists, which is Nom beach. Located on the east side of Binh Ba island, Nom beach is one of the most worth visiting tourist destinations here. Separated from the outside world, Nom beach is endowed with paradise-like beauty. The charm of Nom beach comes from the white sand and clear blue sea water. Coming to Bai Nom, you will feel the smoothness of the sand and the charming blue sea and sky. Moreover, the sea here is not polluted at all so it is very clean and you can see small schools of fish below. Embracing Nom beach is a magnificent mountain range behind as if protecting this place from outside influences. The mountain range has undulating sections with large rocks stretching out to the sea, and other sections are green with lush vegetation. The combined beauty of forest, mountains and sea creates a landscape that is both majestic and wild.

Coming to Bai Nom if you don’t enjoy seafood is a big mistake. Along the beach you can easily see many restaurants selling seafood. Although simple, the quality of seafood is excellent. The urchins, clams, snails, lobsters, crabs… are guaranteed to be fresh and the fish prices are very reasonable. After moments of cooling off in the sea, sitting down to eat hot lobster or grilled clams is wonderful, needless to say. Another thing that is also very impressive to visitors when coming to Binh Ba is that the people on the island are extremely friendly and enthusiastic. They are ready to advise and help travelers to make your journey easier. And conversations with people on the island will give you a better understanding of the lives of honest, hard-working Binh Ba fishermen. Thanks to all the above advantages, Bai Nom is always on the list of beautiful places that cannot be missed when coming to Binh Ba.

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Old House Beach

During the journey to explore Binh Ba tourism, if you have the opportunity to visit the beaches, you will see clearly that Old House Beach is quite special and different from Bai Nom or Bai Chuong. It is different because there are many corals and thorny fish as well as a very special sea color. For many tourists who love the sea and love the beauty of Binh Ba, even the lonely sea urchins that can make their feet bleed cannot stop them from reaching this wonderful beach. The pure white sand beach is nestled in the rocky outcrop, making the space here very peaceful, forming a beautiful picture that has a strange attraction to tourists. The sea water here is considered special because the blue color of the waves gradually turns to light blue as the waves approach the shore, creating a quite unique natural ombre color, which not only impresses lovers. Color art, which fascinates even very ordinary people who do not understand much about art.

The diverse shapes of coral reefs here are a world of art, bringing wonderful moments of experience that are hard to resist. After a few minutes of diving to see the coral and returning to the shore, leisurely sitting and admiring the surrounding scenery with sea, sky, clouds and water, enjoying some grilled lobster – a specialty dish of Binh Ba cuisine… surely anyone will like it. There’s nothing better than that. From Nha Cu Beach back to the center of the island and other attractions on Binh Ba island are also quite close, stay at a motel somewhere so that the next morning you can return here to welcome the sunrise. You will have the opportunity to feel a breath of fresh air at this beach, watching the ombre blue ocean waves gradually become iridescent under the sun and dazzling before your eyes when the sun rises. This poetic feeling is a precious reward from the sea of Binh Ba for you, for those who love the wild and the simple but wonderful things of nature that no pen can describe. .

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Chuong Binh Ba Beach

Bai Chuong Binh Ba is famous as one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. When traveling to Binh Ba, besides Nom beach and Nha Cu beach, Chuong beach is always a beach that attracts tourists. Every year Bai Chuong attracts many visitors to swim and visit. Bai Chuong is located on Binh Ba island of Khanh Hoa province and is extremely beautiful. This is one of the provinces with top tourism potential in Vietnam. Bai Chuong is blessed by nature with extremely clear blue water and creamy white sand. Therefore, this is also one of the most beautiful beaches on Binh Ba island. Bai Chuong will make you admire with the beautiful sunrise. You should also not miss the time when sunset dyes the sky yellow, reflecting shimmering light on the sea surface.

Bai Chuong Binh Ba is famous for its wild natural beauty. The sand here is not only soft but also very clean, stretching a white streak on the beach. Clear blue water that can even be seen to the bottom is always what visitors look forward to when coming to any beach. Chuong Binh Ba Beach is not too noisy or crowded, maintaining a peaceful natural landscape like a watercolor painting. There’s nothing more interesting than sitting on the white sand, watching the sea surface reflect the sunlight, relaxing into the sound of the wind, and enjoying the unique flavor of the sea. As soon as coming to Bai Chuong, visitors immediately feel the gentleness and peace of this place. It’s no exaggeration to compare Bai Chuong to a perfect landscape painting. Besides swimming, Chuong beach is also an interesting place to camp overnight. In addition, you can buy seafood directly on the island and organize a BBQ party!

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Hon Co Beach

Hon Co Beach is an important tourist destination in the system of historical relics associated with movements fighting for liberation, independence, and freedom for the nation. There was a war here between our people and the French, American, and Japanese armies. A small island that has suffered the consequences and losses from the war has now reached the moment of its strongest transformation. It turns itself into a tourist and tourist destination to learn about the fighting history of our nation. At Hon Co beach, there are also trails that are always shaded by lots of shade. The natural painting dyed with moss is combined with concrete blocks of posts, posts, base areas… giving visitors the feeling of returning to the old battle. This road is often very dark so visitors must bring a flashlight; And it would be a pity if anyone did not have the courage to face the darkness to explore this tunnel.

At the end of the trail, visitors will see the main battlefield with 5 giant gun emplacements with a radius of 20mm to shoot at the islands. The firing force of these cannons was very strong, able to destroy all the way to Phan Rang. Coming to Hon Co beach, visitors can immerse themselves in the glorious fighting space, have a panoramic view of the shy Binh Ba island in Cam Ranh bay and especially eat cheap but very fresh seafood. Binh Ba Island Tourism – an emerging tourist island but has proven that it has enough ability and potential to become a serious competitor to other island destinations in the country. Traveling to Binh Ba Island has truly left every visitor with an impressive feeling of a pristine land imbued with human love.

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Turtle Island

Arriving at Binh Ba island, Cam Binh commune, Cam Ranh city, Khanh Hoa province, move to the right and go straight to the top of the slope, visitors will see Hon Rua located deep in the valley. Surrounding the island is an area with quite complex terrain, wild scenery, clear blue sea water and beautiful coral reefs. Visitors can admire the scenery, swim, dive to see coral and create unique photos with this place. Coming here, visitors will also feel the peaceful and relaxing scenery, helping to dispel fatigue and sadness in life…

Turtle island is a place with beautiful, smooth white sand, cool blue sea water, beautiful coral, very shallow walking path to get to the beach, very dangerous if going by the path because of the steep slope, for safety you should go. by canoe or wooden boat. During the rainy season, the water from the mountains flows into a small cool stream, forming a puddle before pouring into the sea. You can try the exciting feeling after swimming in the sea with fresh water. Hon Rua beach is very close to the military area on top of the mountain, so you should limit moving up. Binh Ba Turtle Beach is a beautiful beach with clear blue water, beautiful coral reefs, smooth white sand and a place to take photos from above with a rock image like a turtle poking its head out to sea, a beautiful place on the island. Binh Ba Island, very easy to go, located next to Nha Cu beach, a quite high position for you to see a panoramic view of a corner of the island, if you are lucky you will see a submarine here.

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Reed grass hill

In addition to the inherent beautiful scenery of sea and sky, Binh Ba, Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa islands from March onwards also have picturesque reed grass fields. Reed grass hill is located near Hon Rua – a small rocky area protruding into the sea shaped like a turtle, filled with pink-colored reeds, creating a highlight for the blue sky and sea in Binh Ba. To come here to take photos, visitors can walk from Binh Ba port to the right of the road around the island, up to the top of the slope. From here you can also watch the sunset or the panoramic view of Hon Rua like a small valley below.

In addition to the poetic beauty of the reed grass, Binh Ba’s beaches still attract tourists with their pristine scenery, white sand beaches, and blue sea water such as Nom beach, Chuong beach, and Sa Huynh beach. Binh Ba is said to be most beautiful from March to August, with sunny weather and blue sea water. The means of transport to the island are wooden boats or canoes from Ba Ngoi port (Cam Ranh). Accommodation services and restaurants on the island have developed more than before. You can choose any motel or homestay, rent a motorbike to walk around the island, buy tours to visit lobster cages, or go squid fishing at night.

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Nam Hai Tomb

Binh Ba village is located at the foot of three mountains clustered together, namely Ma Du, Hon Co and Mui Nam. Legend of the fishermen here says that Ma Du Mountain was called that way because in the past, there was a person who made wine here and he was afraid of thieves coming to steal the wine, so he named the mountain “Ma Du”. To scare thieves away from coming, Hon Co mountain is because storks often come here to live, so people call it Hon Co, Mui Nam mountain is because it is located south of the village. As for the word Binh Ba, according to people telling their descendants: the word “Binh” can mean “peaceful” or Binh Dinh because they believe that their ancestors immigrated from the land of Binh Dinh to live and settle here. from the late 17th and early 18th centuries. After settling in and establishing villages, the population became more and more crowded, living by going to sea to catch seafood. Around the beginning of the 18th century, villagers built Nam Hai mausoleum with bamboo paintings and dirt walls to worship “Mr. Nam Hai”. Over time, the mausoleum was gradually renovated, and in 1992, major repairs were made and the mausoleum was built on the same scale as today. now.

Tomb of Nam Hai Binh Ba is located near the southern edge of the sea in the village. The mausoleum was built massively with coral stone, bricks, lime mortar. The mausoleum has the structure of the letter “Nhi” (=), in front is the Presbytery, inside is the Main Hall (altar). The mausoleum faces north, its back leans against the mountain, surrounded by residential areas on three sides. Looking overall from the outside, Nam Hai Binh Ba mausoleum has the following construction items: Nghi Mon, An Phong, Vo Ca, Tieu Tien, Main Hall and Dong House. The main hall was built adjacent to the Tien Tien, with the front facing the building without a wall. Inside is a large altar, on top is a wooden Dragon Throne, below are placed coffins (sarcophagi) containing whale bones, in the middle is a large wooden chest 2.60m long, 1.36m wide, 0.00m high. 90m2 inside is a whale head bone, next to it are 16 smaller boxes containing whale bones that have drifted here over many generations.

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