Top 10 famous tourist destinations in Tuyen Quang

Tuyen Quang is a mountainous province in the Northeast of Vietnam. This place is associated with many heroic historical relics of the nation. Besides, Tuyen Quang also has majestic and equally poetic natural landscapes. Along with the advancement and integration of economic and social development, especially tourism, Tuyen Quang is always reaching out and promoting tourism development in the most attractive way. You are planning to come to Tuyen Quang to travel but do not know much about this place. Next, let’s join Travel Vivu to immediately explore famous tourist destinations in Tuyen Quang through the article below.


Song Long Cave

Song Long Cave is surrounded by 99 legendary mountains in Khuon Ha commune (Lam Binh). It only takes about 3 hours to travel from Na Hang wharf to reach this extremely beautiful cave. The cave is about 200m above the lake surface, more than 200m long, the average height in the cave is 40m, the widest place is over 50m. Exploring Song Long cave, visitors will go from one surprise to another. The first impression is the “sky-bare stone pile” right in front of the cave entrance, which people still call the Vai Pha pile. Through Vai Pha pile, visitors can leisurely walk to explore all the magnificent beauty of this place.

The cave is divided by each partition. Each partition is like a sculpture art exhibition room, in which each sculpture is a masterpiece of nature perfect in every detail. These are tall stalactite columns that are meticulously and delicately carved, creating strange shapes depending on the imagination of visitors. Some people compare it to upside-down chandeliers radiating different colors; Some people think it resembles an ancient tree root with unique wood grains…

Song Long Cave attracts tourists not only because of the shape of the stalactites but also fascinates people with its unique and strange colors. Natural light shines into the cave through the rock crevices, combined with stalactites to create shimmering, magical colors that attract visitors. In particular, the air in the cave is extremely fresh, cool, and quiet, which is also a plus point that makes Song Long cave always crowded with visitors. If anyone has the opportunity to return to this attractive ecological lake, Song Long cave is an option not to be missed.

Address: Khuon Ha commune, Na Hang district, Tuyen Quang

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Na Hang eco-tourism area

Na Hang eco-tourism area, 105km north of Tuyen Quang city center. Na Hang eco-tourism area is an ideal destination for adventurous tourists who like to explore exciting caves and primeval forests.

With charming scenery of mountains and rivers, rivers and mountains blend sweetly and harmoniously, creating an extremely eye-catching landscape. In addition, the shape of Pac Ta mountain from afar looks like a giant but gentle and lovely elephant. During that journey, tourists also have the opportunity to visit primeval forests where there are millennia-old trees and rare animals, especially the snub-nosed monkey recorded in the book. world red. Not only does it have natural resources, this place is also known for a unique cultural and historical treasure, typically the discovery of ancient Vietnamese burial relics dating back around 10,000 years. age at Phia Vai cave (Khuon Ha commune, Lam Binh district), or historical relics such as: Na Tham cave – Central special printing agency during the resistance war against the French, H52 Weapons workshop (village Ban Cai, Thuong Lam commune, Lam Binh district), saltpeter production location (Nang Kha commune, Na Hang district)…

The best time to go to Na Hang Ecotourism Area is from August to December of the solar calendar, this is the time when the lake in the two districts of Na Hang, Lam Binh – Tuyen Quang is stored at high water levels, plus The weather is not too cold or too hot, very suitable for experiences of climbing waterfalls, fishing… If you intend to come to Tuyen Quang, never forget this eco-tourism area.

Address: Na Hang and Lam Binh District, Tuyen Quang

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Mo Waterfall

Mo Tuyen Quang Waterfall, also known as Pac Ban Waterfall, is likened to a graceful young woman amidst the majestic Na Hang mountains and forests. It has long become an attractive destination for explorers and tourists from all over. According to the people here, the legend of Mo Tuyen Quang waterfall is a touching story about the Mo couple living at the foot of Pac Ban mountain. One day, the husband went to pick medicine in the forest but never returned. Miss Mo missed her so much that she risked her life to go through the forest to find her husband for many days, then lost her way and turned into a white waterfall… Through the poet’s eyes, the legend of Mo waterfall in Tuyen Quang is even more poetic: “High pass Out of sight of loved ones/ Tears fall and erode rocks into Nam Pan cave/ Flow endlessly into Pac Ban waterfall/ Let whoever dreams of it overflow into Mo waterfall.


At its origin, Mo Tuyen Quang stream starts from a high mountain range, has good coverage, the basin is quite large, and downstream it flows into a waterfall. To get to Mo Na Hang Tuyen Quang waterfall tourist destination, from the wharf in the center of town you can go downstream by boat to approach the “silver water block”, admiring the waterfall from 3 floors high pouring down like a stream of hair. A girl’s soft white clouds hang loosely on the calm lake surface. Or go by the smooth paved road, running zigzag under the canopy of primeval forest with shady trees, fluttering butterfly wings… Currently, Mo Tuyen Quang waterfall tourist area has been completely invested, with an area more than 12 hectares including public houses, swimming pools, motels, dining areas, boat wharfs to serve tourists visiting Na Hang lake… Here, you will have the opportunity to comfortably inhale the fresh air. cool, then enjoy playing and bathing in the cool waterfall.

If we just hear the name, we will definitely think that this is a mountain with the same gentleness and dreaminess. But in fact, it is a much more intense and majestic waterfall. The waterfall consists of many levels with different flows and intensity. If on the 3rd floor it is like a giant flood with no end, then the second waterfall is somewhat calmer and gentler, creating conditions for visitors to immerse themselves in the nature of the waterfall.

Address: Na Hang town, Na Hang district, Tuyen Quang

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Pac Ta Mountain

Pac Ta Mountain (in Tay language means “heaven’s breast”), also known as Elephant Mountain, is the highest mountain in Na Hang district, Tuyen Quang province, shaped like an elephant standing next to a wine bottle. Towering, majestic, suddenly hidden, suddenly visible in the clouds playing around Tuyen Quang hydroelectric lake, Pac Ta mountain is a source of inspiration for artists and tourists to create poetry, painting and photography.

Pac Ta Mountain is also called “Xa Ta” mountain, associated with a legend left from ancient times. In the past, in a dense forest, there were many wild animals, among which elephants were strong animals but difficult to tame. The villagers found all kinds of ways to tame elephants to use as draft power to transport goods. That year, foreign invaders invaded, local people gathered all their troops to fight to defend the country, including a herd of domesticated elephants. However, in the herd of elephants, there is a male elephant, the biggest and strongest in the herd, that no one can tame. How many good generals had to give up before the ferocious elephant. In the village, there is a brave elephant keeper who wants to take on this job.

On the first day, he had the old and young, boys and girls in the village use rocks and soil to block all the streams and creeks around the elephant forest area. Three days later, the male elephant was thirsty, so he poured wine into the hollow of the rock for the elephant to drink instead of water. Five days, then ten days, the elephant drank wine instead of water, gradually getting used to the wine and the mahout. He has tamed a ferocious male elephant, so he can put a bag on his back and control the elephant to follow orders. From then on, people in the village called it “wine elephant”.

On the day of battle, the “wine elephant” bravely rushed into battle to destroy the enemy’s formation. Returning victorious, the “wine elephant” was appointed “Duke Elephant” by the king and held a grand banquet to entertain his soldiers. The “wine elephant” sucks one barrel of wine after another. Too drunk, the “drinking elephant” stops breathing. But strangely, the elephant died but still stood majestically, looking as heroic as when in battle. That night, it rained heavily and the wind whistled loudly as if expressing the villagers’ grief for the “wine elephant”. The next morning, people saw that both the elephant and the jar of wine had turned to stone, and that block of rock grew larger day by day into today’s Pac Ta mountain.
​Address: Na Hang District, Tuyen Quang

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Ban Ba Waterfall

Located about 40 km from the center of Vinh Loc town (Chiem Hoa district, Tuyen Quang province), Ban Ba waterfall is likened by local people to a beautiful girl who doesn’t know how to use makeup. Ban Ba Waterfall has three waterfall levels. The first waterfall is called Tat Cum, which has the most majestic and poetic appearance. The foot of the waterfall is “dragon abyss” (in Tay language it is called “vang tang” or “vang luong”), where there are cliffs like the shape of a rolling dragon, with underground water gushing out like the image of a dragon spraying water mixed with sunlight. The sky creates 7 magical shimmering rainbow colors. The second level of waterfall is called Cao Waterfall, which is divided into two branches that fall down like two white silk strips flying in the space between the mountains and forests. At the foot of the waterfall there is a clear blue water pool called “Vu Quyen”, visitors can immerse themselves in the cool and clear blue water. On the shore of this waterfall, there are rocks that look like dragons bending and lying on the shore, creating a wild, majestic and strangely attractive look. The third level of waterfall flows along limestone slabs into a deep abyss called Vuc Linh (sacred abyss). Here, visitors can immerse themselves in the cool, clear blue water, listen to the sound of the waterfall and the songs of forest birds… In 2007, Chiem Hoa district received a relic status. Ban Ba National Scenic Spot and has opened the Ban Ba waterfall eco-tourism site.

Currently, Ban Ba Waterfall eco-tourism site has been invested and built with items bearing the identity of highland ethnic people. Coming to Ban Ba, visitors will visit the beautiful landscapes of the Silver Waterfall. At the same time, visitors can enjoy many specialties of Tuyen Quang with sour meat, fish sauce, five-color sticky rice, bamboo-tube rice dipped in sesame salt, grilled cassava… Participate in campfire activities and interact with friends. local ethnic people and participate in many traditional games such as shuttlecock tossing, stick pushing, tug of war…

The pristine landscape with an ecological system of ancient forests several hundred years old, rich vegetation, and cascading waterfalls create a picturesque scene. At the foot of the waterfall are lush fields all year round. All have created Ban Ba waterfall a pristine and poetic beauty. With the efforts of local authorities and businesses operating in the tourism sector in Chiem Hoa, Ban Ba Waterfall will in the near future become an attractive tourist destination.

Address: Vinh Loc Town, Chiem Hoa, Tuyen Quang

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Thac Lan eco-tourism area

Coming to Lan waterfall, Yen Phu commune (Ham Yen), visitors have the opportunity to see the stilt roofs of ethnic minorities hidden under the rolling limestone mountains… Stretching downstream of the waterfall are orange orchards. This is laden with shiny golden fruit. The deeper we go into the foot of the waterfall, the majesty of nature makes us feel like we are lost in the middle of a wild area. The waterfall is like a white silk strip crossing nine stone steps symbolizing nine levels of love. That’s why the Rolling Waterfall is also called the Nine Floor Waterfall or the Love Waterfall.

On hot summer days, you can immerse yourself in the cool water, still carrying the scent of flowers from the protective forests. What a rare pleasure. The clear blue water at the foot of the waterfall occasionally has fish with round bodies and long bodies like a shy girl hiding in mossy rock crevices. Above, bunches of wild flowers lie down, showing off their shadows on the water. Button fish is an extremely rare fish that people here call the god fish. It can be said that Rolling Waterfall is the ideal place for you to admire the wild beauty of nature.

Rolling Waterfall is one of the attractive eco-tourism destinations, which Ham Yen district included in the tourism development program for the period 2006 – 2010. Currently, there are businesses setting up investment projects to submit to the Provincial People’s Committee for licensing, with an area of 200 hectares to plant trees to create landscape and ecological environment. Rolling Waterfall, Thac Cai Temple and Tien Cave, with many magical caves, will become an attractive tourist complex for tourists from all over.

Address: Yen Phu, Ham Yen, Tuyen Quang

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My Lam mineral spring resort

If you are a fan of mineral bathing, My Lam mineral spring resort is the best choice for you. Visitors can bathe in mineral springs and mud springs to relieve stress and worries in life, helping to significantly increase resistance.

Coming to My Lam mineral spring tourist area in Phu Lam commune, Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province, visitors can use the following services: bathing, swimming in hot water pools, soaking in wooden tubs with mineral water. hot water, aromatherapy mineral bath, physical therapy massage, VIP SPA (combined), herbal bath service with traditional remedies of the Dao ethnic group, restaurant services… Besides, mineral water source Here, it is also produced and bottled under the My Lam mineral water brand.

Visitors to My Lam Mineral Springs can also admire the charming natural scenery and enjoy the flavors of local products such as: Lam rice, a specialty dish of the Tay ethnic people, wild honey, dried buffalo meat… Mr. Nguyen Huu Vuong, a long-time maker of lam rice here, said that every day his family provides about 70 – 80 tubes of lam rice to tourists. On holidays, the number sold can double or triple. . To have a delicious, flexible and fragrant bamboo tube, he must choose a good type of sticky rice, soak it thoroughly, then clean the rice, put it in a young bamboo tube, pour enough water, then take a banana leaf or dong leaf and knot it tightly, then grill it. from 30 – 45 minutes…

Currently, every day My Lam Mineral Spring Tourist Area welcomes hundreds of visitors from near and far to visit, take mineral baths, mud baths and treat diseases with mineral water. The above services have created regular jobs for hundreds of workers, with an average salary of 2,000,000 VND/person/month. In recent years, My Lam mineral spring tourist area has developed services rapidly in both quantity and quality, with the strongest development being in Suoi Khoang and Nuoc Nong villages. In these two villages alone, there are nearly 30 households providing mineral water bathing and accommodation services.

Address: Phu Lam, Yen Son, Tuyen Quang

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Na Lua Shack

As we know, in the days before the August Revolution, the working base of Uncle Ho and other soldiers was mainly in Tuyen Quang. Especially Na Lua shack – a famous place and quite familiar to the people here, because it is Uncle Ho’s direct workplace. Na Lua Shack is where Uncle Ho lived and worked from the end of May to the end of August 1945 to prepare for the general uprising.

The shack is built of bamboo in the style of a stilt house. Hidden under dense trees, the pillars are made of tree trunks buried in the ground, the rafters are made of bamboo, and the roof is thatched with palm leaves. The shack has two small rooms, the inside room is where Uncle Ho rests, the outside room is where he works and receives guests. In this simple small shack, many documents, directives, policies and plans related to the August Revolution of 1945 were drafted by Uncle Ho.

When we come here, we can feel Uncle Ho’s arduous life during the anti-French days, thereby better understanding his contributions to the country of Vietnam.

Address: Tan Trao, Son Duong, Tuyen Quang

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Bong Cave

Another extremely famous historical site in Tuyen Quang – Bong Cave. Hang Bong Shack was the living and working place of Uncle Ho, the Party Central Committee and the Government in Viet Bac during the resistance war against the French colonialists from 1916 to 1954. Bong Cave is located halfway up Bong Mountain, at the foot of the mountain is the meandering Day River and not far away are Hong Thai and Tan Trao. In the years 1950-1951, Uncle Ho stayed in this cave.

Near the entrance of Bong cave at that time there was a small shack made of bamboo leaves. In the Bong cave, on February 22, 1950, Uncle Ho signed a decree on the general mobilization of human resources and resources for the resistance war; On July 25, 1950, Uncle Ho gave an interview to journalists about America’s intervention in Indochina. Also from Bong cave, with mold-stained indigo clothes and worn-out rubber sandals, Uncle Ho crossed streams and passes on business, directed the 1950 border campaign, and attended the second National Party Congress. in February 1951. Besides, this is also the place that marks many historical paths of the nation, which need to be preserved and promoted.

Address: Bong Village, Tan Trao, Son Duong, Tuyen Quang

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Ho Khon

ourists coming to Ham Yen, in addition to beautiful landscapes and unique festivals imbued with national identity, can also choose Khon Lake as an ecotourism destination. Coming here, you will be able to float on the lake, or immerse yourself in a quiet space to relax. Khon Lake is located in Thai Son commune (Ham Yen), about 6 kilometers from the district center. With an area of more than 47 hectares of water surface, Khon Lake has many scattered large and small islands creating a beautiful and attractive landscape for tourists. Since 2005, Ham Yen district has had an investment plan, considering Khon lake as one of the three axes of eco-tourism development along with Tien Cave and Cham Chu forest.

On summer afternoons, standing on the dike watching Khon Lake, the clouds and sky shimmer in silhouette on the lake’s surface. Lowering the camera angle, we will capture a perfect space: The foreground is a bunch of wild mayonnaise flowers, the background is the mountains far away on the horizon. Taking a boat ride on Khon Lake, visitors will admire the pure beauty that nature has bestowed on the lake.

The landscape of the lake complex is an ideal space for picnics and picnics on holidays. In the past, on the islands of Khon Lake, people around the area planted fruit trees such as oranges, tangerines and shade trees. Tourists visiting the lake can take boats to the islands, visit gardens and enjoy specialties right here.

Not only has tourism potential, Khon Lake is also known as a place to supply freshwater fish of the district. Thai Son cooperative in the area has released many types of fish such as carp, driftwood, tilapia, carp… The annual fish output is around 30 tons. This is a model combining local tourism and commerce. Khon Lake has developed fishing services. Visitors coming here will be able to float on the lake, or immerse themselves in a quiet space to relax. Currently, Ham Yen district is promoting and calling for organizations and individuals to invest in building infrastructure for Khon Lake eco-tourism site. Tomorrow, Khon Lake will be an attractive stop for tourists when coming to Tuyen Quang.

Address: Thai Son, Ham Yen, Tuyen Quang

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