Top 10 most beautiful tourist attractions in Thai Binh

Thai Binh is a coastal province in the Red River Delta, here you will discover attractive tourist attractions from temples to beautiful beaches. With just a motorbike full of gas, a compact backpack and an amount of around a million VND, you can travel to Thai Binh within a few days to discover the hidden and wild beauty that is nowhere to be found. Okay. Pick up your backpack and let’s go.


Pagoda Keo

Keo Pagoda’s literal name is Than Quang Pagoda, located in Vu Thu, Thai Binh. According to old history, Keo Pagoda was built during the reign of Ly Thanh Tong and has been restored many times. Perhaps in our country there is no other temple with an area of 57,000 square meters with 107 large pagoda compartments (previously 154 compartments) made entirely of ironwood. The roads are hundreds of meters long, paved with green stones nearly 2 meters wide and have 350 ironwood pillars, large and small, all placed on large boulders, their necks touching lotus petals. The organization of the architectural space here is ingenious, complex and orderly, in the style of “before Buddha, then after God”. The pagoda area in front and Khong Lo Zen Master temple area in the back. The architectural layout seems to break the rules, such as placing the three-story steeple at the end of the chain of the complex.

The architecture of the bell tower is the grandeur of shapes, the harmonious richness of rhythm and details, only three floors 11.06 meters high but it makes a massive impression. The four main iron columns are two stories high, along with a system of porch columns and convenient railings, which have been cleverly connected. The bell tower’s pillars are made of pure stone, carved in the shape of a large pedestal, and beautifully carved with double lotus flowers. The most unique is the flying dui system, layers and layers rising up to support the roof. The outer ends of the beams stretch out and fall along the roof, increasing the height of the building. Standing far away, it looks like 200 Guan Yin Buddha arms reaching out from the roof of the second and third floors to wave to visitors. I have seen foreign visitors stop for hours in front of this three-story steeple, amazed and admiring the layers upon layers of ancient curved roofs and thousands of intricately carved parts, right down to the workers. Even the most skilled person invited to restore it doesn’t know all the names.

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Thai Binh Cathedral

Thai Binh Cathedral was inaugurated in 2007 and is considered one of the most beautiful churches in Vietnam. Located on a campus of over 6,201.6 square meters, Thai Binh Cathedral bears bold marks in the Bible. The Cathedral is dressed in a bright cream color, the color of alluvium, reminiscent of the rice countryside of the Red River and Tra Ly River basins.

The two 46 m high towers are designed like two burning candles, supported by two steady hands pointing straight to the sky, always sparkling magically, along with the ringing sound of 3 bells, call everyone to God. The sanctuary is designed like a bronze drum, with reliefs depicting patterns showing scenes of daily activities, such as hunting, gathering or the wings of Lac Viet birds. The sanctuary is relatively large and can accommodate hundreds of priests concelebrating on solemn occasions. The floor of the sanctuary is paved with red granite, looking from a distance, it looks like a giant red carpet, showing majesty and splendor, worthy of being the place where Mass takes place.

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Bac Trach Church

Bac Trach Church is one of the oldest, famous and proud places of Thai Binh people. Uncle Trach is known as one of the largest churches in Vietnam, so it attracts many tourists to come here to check in. After nearly 10 years of inauguration, Bac Trach Church is not only a peaceful place, but also has many virtual living corners that are very popular with tourists. Photos taken at this location are often shared loudly and admiringly by the online community.

This place was built quite elaborately with tons of construction materials combined with round statue and relief architecture. Paintings bring you a lively space. Furthermore, you will be impressed by more than 100 sets of interior and exterior glass doors. Possessing a unique architecture, rich in Gothic style and Greek architecture, you will get a Vintage style photo when you come to Bac Trach Church.

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Dong Chau Beach

About 35 km from Thai Binh city, follow Kien Xuong provincial road to Tien Hai to reach Dong Chau beach located in Dong Minh commune, Tien Hai district. Although Dong Chau beach is not very beautiful, it has an extremely fresh climate, suitable for convalescence, rest and especially, the seafood here is very cheap and delicious. Because the sand is muddy, the beach is very suitable for seafood farming. Visitors will be able to admire firsthand the clam fields with countless watchtowers, contributing significantly to creating the specialness of Dong Chau.

Because it is a beach resort, tourists often come here in the summer. The most beautiful time to explore Dong Chau sea is around July and August. Because this is the time of hot weather, little rain, very suitable for swimming and playing in the sea. Dong Chau beach has a lot of wild beauty, creating an impression and uniqueness for visitors coming here. You can also take a boat or motorboat from Dong Chau beach to Con Thu and Con Vanh beaches to explore, which is also an extremely interesting experience. When you come here, you will not only be able to swim in the quiet, romantic space but also explore the natural scenery with wonderful green pine and casuarina forests.

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Hoi mat weaving village

Coming to Hoi mat village, tourists will be able to observe the mat making process of local people in the most specific way. From the sophistication of raw materials to choosing the sedge and then putting it on the loom. The weaving profession in Hoi mat village has been around for many generations, so it contains many great cultural meanings. Hoi village is famous for its long-standing mat weaving profession not only in Thai Binh, but also in the Northern Delta and the Red River basin, so many tourists come here.

Hoi mat weaving village is located about 40 km from the center of Thai Binh city. Although quite remote, tourists, especially foreigners, love to come to Hoi mat weaving village. You will find rural fields colored with old memories to reach this stop. The people here still keep the fire of their profession, love it so much and increasingly make the reputation of their Hoi mat products far and wide.

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Con Vanh eco-tourism area

Con Vanh is located in the Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve, recognized by UNESCO since 1994 and is one of the only destinations in Vietnam that retains its pristine ecosystem and beaches, attracting those who love like Discovery. Con Vanh is located 7 km from the mainland in Nam Phu commune, Tien Hai district. With a prime geographical location, Con Vanh is located at the mouth of the Ba Lat River, where the Red River estuary blends into the sea, creating a charming and quiet natural scene.

Con Vanh is currently a favorite destination for tourists who like to explore the diverse mangrove ecosystem and fishing villages with gentle and hospitable coastal people. Early in the morning, when dawn rises, on Con Vanh beach, a group of fishing boats come ashore. Tourists can stop by a boat to buy fresh seafood such as crabs, shrimp, shrimp, clams, jellyfish… These sea specialties are sold by fishing villagers at very cheap prices compared to the market. More interestingly, visitors can visit the pristine tents of Con Vanh to boil seafood for them and enjoy the fresh sea air. Traveling to Con Vanh is suitable for a 2-day trip.

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Bach Thuan garden village

Belonging to Vu Thu district, Thai Binh province, Bach Thuan village is a rich garden village with lush ornamental and fruit tree gardens. On the edge of the village is a fertile alluvial ground – where sugarcane, bananas and mulberry trees are grown and silkworms are raised. Visiting Bach Thuan village, we will think we have just stumbled into a miniature park with rows of dark green galangal and verdant eucalyptus trees lining both sides of the village road. Nature has favored Bach Thuan with great conditions to develop traditional gardening. Here, visitors will find all kinds of fruits such as jackfruit, bananas, tangerines, oranges, sapodillas, lychees, longans, lemons, plums, guavas, apples…

Besides the fruit gardens, there are gardens of ornamental plants and trees that can make any visitor fascinated. Each type of ornamental plant here has a unique appearance with different names depending on how the owner prunes it. Coming to Bach Thuan village on the occasion of rising water, visitors will have very special memories when the village roads are flooded and transformed, turning into small rivers. If you want to move from house to house, you have to use a boat. It will be an extremely interesting experience to sit on small boats to visit each garden and pick and enjoy the sweet fruit clusters.

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Con Den eco-tourism area - The most beautiful sea island in the North

Con Den is located 3 km from the mainland in Thai Do commune, Thai Thuy, Thai Binh; 15 km south of Diem Dien Town and about 40 km west of Thai Binh City center. Con Den has relatively flat terrain with a sand strip about 3 km long, the widest part is about 700 m, the narrowest part is 450 m; was formed by tectonic deposition of alluvium and sand from the Tra Ly River. Con Den was recognized by UNESCO as a world biosphere reserve in 2004. Up to now, the natural scenery on the dune is still pristine, and is considered by many to be the most beautiful sea dune in the North with a stretching landscape that includes Fine sand beach and clam farming area.

With long sandy beaches, moderate slope, and gentle waves all year round, Con Den is also a very suitable place for swimming every summer. You can also organize picnics and other fun and entertaining games on the beach such as fishing and beach volleyball after hours of fun with the waves. Take a walk along the green pine forest stretching along the sand dunes, together explore the pristine vegetation, the unique coastal mangrove ecosystem (parrot trees, cork trees, tiger prawns, sea morning glory flowers, nipa palms… ) immerse yourself in the vast ocean space, feel the salty taste of the sea.

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Dong Xam silver carving craft village

Existing for more than 500 years, Dong Xam silver carving village is famous for its sophisticated and highly artistic products. Dong Xam silver carvings stand out compared to silver goods from other places in their unique shape, sophisticated yet balanced and splendid decorative projects that clearly highlight the main theme… demonstrating the talent of the artist. Dong Xam artisans have been passed down through generations. Perhaps that is why many people come to Dong Xam Silver Carving Village to learn more about this craft village.

Up to now, it is very rare for silver carving craft village products to be trademarked, have intellectual property rights, and successfully build a collective brand of craft villages like Dong Xam. Therefore, in order for silver carving villages to be able to maintain and develop the profession, necessary support policies are needed – both to help create jobs for people and to retain the unique cultural features of the localities. .

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Dong Bang Temple

The next destination you can consider when you have the opportunity to visit Thai Binh is Dong Bang Temple. This location is a beautiful wood carving art museum that has been preserved by Thai Binh people for many years. The entire scenic relic area is a large complex, tinged with time from outside the gate to the inner campus. The beauty of the temple, in addition to the beauty of the architecture, is the old features that still linger on the exquisite carvings of the ancestors.

Dong Bang Temple is located on the ancient Mai Diem river, in the middle of immense rice fields in Dao Dong site, Vong Lo district, Phu Phuong district, now Dong Bang village, An Le commune, Quynh Phu district – Thai Binh province. In the temple, many sacrificial objects from the Ly to Nguyen dynasties are still preserved. Tablets and unique wooden architectural works such as scrolls, horizontal boards, parallel sentences, great characters… With its rich history, Dong Bang Temple will bring you many indescribable emotions when visit.

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