Top 10 must-visit tourist destinations when visiting Meo Vac, Dong Van

Ha Giang is an interesting destination not only for backpackers but also for domestic and foreign tourists. The beauty of the majestic rocky plateau, the poetic Nho Que river, and the unique Mong people have created a colorful Ha Giang. When mentioning Ha Giang, we must mention the famous Meo Vac and Dong Van. Let’s explore must-visit tourist destinations when visiting Dong Van!


Ma Pi Leng Pass

Located on Happiness Road connecting Dong Van and Meo Vac towns, Ma Pi Leng is the name of the most dangerous pass in Vietnam, located in Ha Giang province. The pass is precarious in the middle of the mountain, somewhere there are still villages lying high up. Surprised when we reach the top of the pass at an altitude of 2000m, standing at the stop to admire the scenery makes us burst into emotions, overwhelmed by the majestic mountains and rivers and the stone steles recording the history of the road. “happy”. The mountains are one after another, overlapping each other. Below the pass are abyss canyons, along with the emerald green Nho Que river, stretching far into the distance, dividing the country into two halves.

Ma Pi Leng Pass always satisfies professional backpackers, but for amateurs, just a little more courage is needed to conquer this difficult mountain peak. Although the journey to conquer Ma Pi Leng Pass has many difficulties and dangers, it will certainly be an unforgettable experience for those who dare to conquer it.

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Nho Que River

As one of the green symbols of Meo Vac, Ha Giang, the Nho Que river is located at the foot of Ma Pi Leng pass, flowing peacefully through the cliffs all year round, creating a blue boundary between the passes in Ha Giang. This. That gentle river is freshest in the early days of summer or autumn, but the most ideal time of the year is still the days of November when the water turns turquoise like a “perfect cup” of heaven. That’s the North.

To fully explore the Nho Que river, you can ride a motorbike from the top of Ma Pi Leng pass, following the local path on the mountainside following the river downstream. From the top of the pass, looking down at the Nho Que river, you will be amazed by a beautiful natural scene. Don’t forget to pose for photos from here, you’re guaranteed to have great photos. In addition, you can choose to take a boat or walk along the riverbank to fully admire the majestic natural scenery.

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Lung Cu flagpole

Lung Cu flagpole is one of the famous places that attracts many tourists in Ha Giang and is one of the national flagpoles located on top of Lung Cu, also known as Dragon Mountain. “Lung” in H’mong means corn, Lung Cu is corn valley, the reason for this name is simply because there are large fields growing corn and today there are also many buckwheat and buckwheat trees grown. The flower season has become Ha Giang’s Buckwheat Flower Festival.

The flagpole is designed in an octagonal shape similar to the Hanoi flagpole, its 8 base sides simulate the Dong Son bronze drum pattern and illustrate different historical periods of the country. At the foot of the Lung Cu flagpole, is the Lung Cu border guard station. There is a station specialized in protecting the flag at the top of the Lung Cu flagpole.

On the top of the flagpole is an image of a red flag with a yellow star fluttering, extremely sacred. Standing on the top of the flagpole and looking down, you will see a majestic scene of Ha Giang, with rolling mountains like a giant watercolor painting.

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Khau Vai Market

Khau Vai love market is held once a year on the 27th day of the third lunar month. On this day, this market returns like a bustling note, ringing with joy on the land of Meo Vac with stones and flowers. The market is for people who have unfinished love, were in love but lost their relationship. People come to the market of all ages, from old to young, with fresh, radiant faces. Despite the deep forests, high mountains, and jagged rocky outcrops, they still eagerly crossed passes and waded streams to reach the Khau Vai love market with excitement and hope…

The road to Khau Vai is winding and dotted with houses halfway up the mountain. During the days when the cold still lingers, visitors to Khau Vai love market will be delighted with the majestic scene, feeling the magic of white mist floating on top of high mountains and steep steep rocks. gray is an identical color.

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Tu San deep canyon

Tu San deep canyon is probably a beautiful heritage that nature has gifted to Ha Giang. Tu San canyon is located between Dong Van and Meo Vac. With an altitude of 1500m, a depth of 700 – 900m, flowing in the Northwest – Southeast direction, Tu San canyon has a poetic and mysterious beauty like a magical jade thread, hidden among the rugged Northeast mountains and forests. With charming landscapes, a boat trip on the Nho Que river in the deep hem of Tu San will be a wonderful and memorable trip for tourists.

To explore Tu San alley, you can also ride a motorbike following the guided trail of indigenous people on the mountainside running parallel to the river below. However, make sure your steering wheel is steady and you are used to driving on hilly, uneven, and rocky terrain.

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Vuong family mansion

The Vuong family mansion, also known as the King Meo Vuong Chinh Duc mansion, is the most unique architectural work of Ha Giang province. The mansion is located in the middle of Sa Phin valley, Dong Van district, on a high block of land shaped like a turtle shell, symbolizing the god Kim Quy, surrounded by an arc-shaped mountain range, creating an excellent defensive terrain. . Entering the mansion, the first impression is of the tall, straight rows of sa Moc trees that are hundreds of years old. The palace’s stone gate appears to be delicately carved.

Through the upheavals of time and war, some materials in the mansion have been replaced, but the unique architectural features still remain. If you have the opportunity to visit Ha Giang, don’t forget to go to the Vuong family mansion and “check in” here

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Dong Van Plateau

Dong Van Stone Plateau is one of the destinations that attracts many tourists in Ha Giang. To reach the stone plateau, tourists are forced to go through Ma Pi Leng pass. On both sides of the road, we sometimes encounter waterfalls flowing from the top of the mountain across like a white thread, creating a very poetic scene for the rocky plateau.

Passing through Bac Me, you will see green terraced rice fields, and in the distance are stilt houses peeking out. It was pouring rain in Bac Me, the rows of palm trees were straight. What’s special is that you will also pass through Tu San alley and see the romantic Nho Que river.

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Dong Van ancient town

With the beauty of its colorful traditional culture, Dong Van ancient town has created an impressive and unique highlight on the Dong Van stone plateau – Ha Giang. This old town includes many ethnic groups: Kinh, Tay, Dao, Mong, Nung, Chinese… This old town includes 40 houses that are more or less 100 years old. The special thing here is that the old town bears a strong impression of Chinese architecture with two-story houses with yin and yang tiles, red lanterns hanging high to dispel the harsh cold of the stone plateau.

One of the famous features in Dong Van old town, bearing the mark of this place is old town coffee. “Old Town Coffee” is like an inviting bright spot, even more true to the restaurant function it holds. This was originally the home of a Tay landowner of the Luong family, who was very influential in the Dong Van area in the past. This nearly hundred year old house has also gone through many ups and downs along with the old town, and fortunately is still almost intact.

In addition, when mentioning Dong Van ancient town, we must tell more about Dong Van ancient market and the architecture of the market. Looking down from above, next to the two rows of old streets running to the foot of the mountain are three rows of markets arranged in a U shape with yin and yang tile roofs. The popular architecture here is a two-story house with walls and yin-yang tile roofs. If you visit Ha Giang stone plateau, remember to visit Dong Van ancient market and see this outstanding architectural work.

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Lo Lo Chai village

Ban Lo Lo Chai is one of the places that attracts tourists to the Dong Van stone plateau. This village is located at the foot of the Lung Cu flagpole. This place is mainly inhabited by the Mong and Lo Lo ethnic groups. Maybe that’s why the village was named “Lo Lo Chai”.

Coming to Lo Lo Chai, visitors can not only admire a beautiful village on the Dong Van Karst Plateau but also immerse themselves in a green space located in the middle of sharp rocky mountains. Especially when coming to Lo Lo Chai, don’t forget to check in at the famous Cua Bac Coffee shop.

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Sam Pun border gate

About 30km from the center of Meo Vac district, Sam Pun is not only beautiful in the destination but also beautiful in the journey. The road to the border gate is beautiful with sharp curves that challenge backpackers. You have to go through countless mountains and see many layers of clouds to reach the dreamlike Sam Pun that many people always wish to visit.

Here you may be surprised by the present-day changes in the region. The dirt roads have been paved with deep, clean asphalt, there are more houses, and the guard stations have also been newly and neatly built. But the natural beauty is still there, you should definitely try it once when you come to Meo Vac. From Meo Vac, if you want to go to Sam Pun, you have to go through Xin Cai pass. After a few dozen zigzag turns, about a dozen or so 10km, you will reach the border belt. Follow that road a little further to reach Sam Pun border gate. Coming to Sam Pun is the most beautiful part of the journey, so just go slowly and admire the scenery along the road to satisfy all your passion for virtual living!

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