Top 10 tourist destinations you must check-in before the age of 29

Do you know how beautiful the S-shaped strip of land in Vietnam is? There is no need to go to far away places, there are ideal places to rest and relax right near you, from pristine villages, majestic mountains and forests to dreamy blue islands. Youth is the best time to explore, feel the beauty of nature, meet new people and immerse yourself in the exciting melodies of life.


Sa Pa – Lao Cai

What is the first place that Toplist wants to introduce to you? That is Sa Pa – Lao Cai. If you go from Hanoi along the highway, it will take about 5 hours to get to Sa Pa. Surely the majestic and wild beauty of the foggy town of Sa Pa will surprise you. When you arrive, you can visit villages, highland markets, or the immense mountain ranges. And yet, the road to Heaven’s Gate in Sa Pa is very famous! It can be said that Sa Pa is a wonderful gift that nature gives us. The green color of the mountains and forests, and the bustling vitality of Sa Pa, hazy in the mist, have contributed to creating a harmonious and poetic picture.

People once said that mountains and forests are noble places, with fresh air and the colors of a fairyland. Sa Pa will take all the worries and troubles of everyday life away with the mist, helping you feel more peaceful. Sa Pa has a cool climate throughout all four seasons, the special thing is that you can feel four seasons in the same day. However, the period from March to May or from September to November is the time when Sa Pa is beautiful and the weather is most stable. You can visit famous tourist destinations such as Fansipan peak, Ham Rong mountain, Silver waterfall, Tien cave, Love waterfall, Heaven’s gate. Then take time to enjoy some specialties such as salmon, grilled dishes, and underarm pork.

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Ha Giang

Ha Giang is a name that is not unfamiliar to backpackers because every time this place is mentioned, everyone thinks of the wild beauty of Lung Cu Flagpole, Hoang Su Phi, Northern Pole or Dong Van Karst Plateau. , Ma Pi Leng. Ha Giang is not a place with busy streets, a prosperous place with full services, and the roads are dangerous, but this place makes many tourists fascinated by the colors of flowers blended in the so-called human love. Have you ever visited Lung Cu Flagpole? This is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Ha Giang. Any season of the year, Ha Giang is beautiful, each season has its own unique beauty.

Besides, the chilly air in the highlands in October – November is the time when Tam Giac Mach flowers are in full bloom. What could be more wonderful than walking to admire the flowers and take photos in the flower fields? After that, there will be golden mustard flowers throughout the valley, and in the spring, there will be white apricot and plum flowers filling the sky. You will taste special dishes such as Dong Van ancient town rolls, mint honey, five-color sticky rice or Bac Me bamboo-tube rice. All, all create a simple yet poetic and romantic flavor.

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Moc Chau – Son La

If there is a word that can replace “beautiful words” to talk about Moc Chau – Son La, I will not hesitate to give it to this place. Because the land here is gentle and hospitable, there are lush green tea hills and white silk strips woven from mustard flowers and plum flowers reaching into the sky. In the distance, visitors can see beautiful small villages along the road. Did you know, because of the thick layer of fog, the scenery here becomes attractive, attracting passersby’s attention. Moc Chau has perfect beauty, the beauty of each season has its own difference. However, the most tourists come to Moc Chau in the winter. Before and after the Lunar New Year because at this time peach blossoms and apricots bloom white all over the sky. Places you should visit include Bat cave, Ban Ang pine forest, Moc Chau farm, Dai Yem waterfall, Ba Phach flower fields. And taste attractive specialties such as veal, pork, stream fish, thang co, and lam rice.

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Trang An – Ninh Binh

Trang An – Ninh Binh is a charming place that tourists cannot miss! This place is known as a majestic mountain ecological area with winding streams and majestic caves creating an unusually mysterious beauty. You will enjoy the feeling of experiencing every level of exciting emotions when sitting on the boat, enjoying the clear water with schools of fish as well as the endless beauty of the blue mountains. Surely, you will be fascinated by the beauty of Trang An – Ninh Binh. When coming to Trang An, there are the following places you cannot help but visit even once: caves following the water flow such as Dia Linh cave, Sang cave, Sinh cave, Nau Ruou cave… Temples and pagodas such as Tran temple, Trinh temple, Khong palace… Is there anything more interesting than enjoying the specialties of the Ninh Binh mountain region such as: scorched rice with cotton, mountain goat… All, all create harmony The wonderful, wonderful beauty of nature.

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Mai Chau – Hoa Binh

For those who love traveling to places with beautiful scenery and sightseeing, Mai Chau – Hoa Binh is definitely an interesting destination. You can sightsee, relax, and explore cultural tourism, for example. This place is considered the first gateway of the Northwest region because it is located at the end of Hoa Binh, just a little further to reach Moc Chau – Son La. Although Mai Chau is not visited by as many people as Moc Chau, Mai Chau attracts many people because of its poetic beauty. It would be great to temporarily leave the bustling, dusty city to enjoy the fresh, cool air in Mai Chau. Visiting Mai Chau seems to be quite easy and convenient for team building and groups gathering together to campfire, so it is quite close to Hanoi. In addition, you can also explore the culture of the people of Mai Chau village. The main destination when visiting Mai Chau is Ban Van and Ban Lac, to explore Thai culture with unique and interesting stilt houses.

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Co To Island – Ha Long Bay

Co To Island – Ha Long Bay is a place that is no longer unfamiliar to those who love to travel, located in the Gulf of Tonkin in the East Sea region with thousands of magnificent islands, recognized by UNESCO as a heritage site. world cultural products. Ha Long Bay is proud to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world with beautiful scenery, attracting domestic and foreign tourists. The blue of the sea, the sky and the unsteady rocky mountains have become characteristic symbols that make everyone admire the beauty of this place. Visitors will be able to see the strangely fresh coral reefs and beaches. Surely the rare wildness amidst the bustling atmosphere of a tourist area will make you love it from the first time you set foot. Hong Van and Van Chai in the morning when the tide is not yet high are the highlights of Co To island. It will be fun to see the entire scene of Co To from the lighthouse at dawn or sunset. You can ride a bicycle in Co To or have a BBQ party on the beach. For those who suffer from seasickness, you should have a full breakfast before boarding the boat to go to the island. If you visit here in the summer, remember to bring mosquito and insect repellant and a flashlight in case the power goes out.

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Da Lat

Have you ever visited the dreamy city of Da Lat? Is this land of flowers only for couples on their honeymoon? That’s not entirely true, Da Lat brings an indescribable feeling of euphoria, like escaping to heaven for every visitor who comes here. Did you know that people compare this place to little Paris? If you hate the sweltering heat that makes you tired and uncomfortable, Da Lat is the best place to avoid the heat in July – September. This is also the time when flowers bloom most brilliantly, with mild sunlight and no sun. drizzle. Each season, Da Lat has its own charm, so you can travel here anytime. With poetic, dreamy scenery and rich nature, you definitely cannot miss Cu Lan village, LangBiang, Xuan Huong Lake, Golden Valley, Pongour Waterfall,… On cold days, you can visit Dalat and sipping some coffee from Tung shop will be great. Rest assured that vegetables and food in Da Lat are very delicious and clean. You must definitely try: banh xeo, banh can, baked goods, fruits of all kinds.

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Da Nang

If nature gives Da Lat a poetic beauty, then Da Nang is no less. The beauty of Da Nang has been recognized by many domestic and international tourists when they visit. Da Nang is located in a special terrain: there are mountains, forests, plains, and beautiful beaches, so it is not wrong to say that Da Nang has all the diverse beauty of each different region. There are few places more perfect and attractive to tourists from all over than Da Nang. This place is honored as the most livable city in Vietnam, with the beauty of many famous landscapes such as: Cu Lao Cham, Han River, Ngu Hanh Son… with stable security situation and culture. development to the point of dizziness. The cuisine is rich and diverse but does not lose the rich national identity! Anyone who has been to Da Nang will probably never forget a city with a long clear blue beach and so many irresistible delicious dishes such as: Nam cake, tapioca cake, Da Nang dried beef, snails, etc. Nam O fish salad.

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Phu Yen

Phu Yen, a city that captivates many tourists’ souls, not only with its charm embracing two mountains, but also with the beauty of its vast beaches, clear lagoons and the typical beauty of Southern culture. Central. When talking about Phu Yen, people often have the impression of a place that no matter who passes by, they wish to return again. Visitors will be impressed with the amount of forest canopy and the flock of swallows fluttering their wings so gently and simply. Due to its geographical location in a temperate climate zone, Phu Yen has cool and pleasant weather all year round, so you can come here to visit at any time of the year. Once here, you cannot help but visit prominent destinations in Phu Yen such as: Vung Ro Bay, Ganh Da Dia, O Loan Lagoon, Hon Chua Island, Phun Area, Xuan Dai Bay. In addition, do not miss Phu Yen’s specialties such as: rice paper, Cau River crab, Ocean tuna, O Loan blood cockle, pork intestine cake.

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People often say that Hue is as dreamy as romantic love poems! This is the only city in Vietnam that still preserves the ancient appearance of the Middle Ages, with the ancient architecture of a monarchy intact. As you know, Hue has long become a large, invaluable museum with important historical relics as well as exquisitely designed pagodas and temples. Perhaps discovering the dreamy beauty of Hue will bring you the most interesting emotions. Do you know. Like the characteristic purple color of the gentle and poetic ancient capital, Hue not only attracts tourists with famous historical attractions such as the Citadel, mausoleums, Tu Duc mausoleum, Thien Mu pagoda but also It’s also thanks to the deep beauty that anyone wants to explore. Hue is famous for its luxurious royal cuisine but blends with the simple beauty of street vendors. Visitors will not be able to help but be captivated by the strange and mouth-watering dishes such as Truoi Phu Loc strawberries, Nam cake, spring rolls, and Com Hen. If you have the conditions, definitely don’t miss this interesting destination.

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