Top 10 Tourist Destinations you should visit Dien Bien Phu

Dien Bien, famous for the Dien Bien Phu victory and many historical relics of this heroic battle. In addition to historical tourist destinations such as A1, C1 hills, Do Cat tunnel… Dien Bien is also known to tourists for many extremely beautiful and wild tourist destinations.


Pha Din Pass

One of the four great passes of the Northwest, Pha Din is a pass whose name comes from the Thai language. The name Pha Din, in which Pha means “heaven”, Din means “earth”, means that this place is the junction between heaven and earth. Legend has it that in the past, the people of Lai Chau and old Son La sought to define a boundary. The boundary between the two localities was by having a horse race across the Pha Din slope, the people and horses of the Lai Chau people ran a little faster, so the part of the pass belonging to Lai Chau province (now Dien Bien) was also a little longer than the part on the other side. Son La.

Pha Din Pass has a length of up to 32 km, located on Highway 6 from Hanoi to Dien Bien. Pha Din Pass is the most dangerous road in Vietnam, the junction between heaven and earth.

Pha Din Pass has a very dangerous terrain, teetering between a cliff on one side and a deep abyss on the other. Therefore, the scenery on Pha Din Pass also becomes more majestic than ever with successive layers of mountains stretching endlessly. Currently, Pha Din Pass is only suitable for those who love adventure.

Crossing Pha Din Pass, visitors will experience an impressive and exciting journey, discovering the wild and majestic beauty of nature with rolling mountains covered with white clouds.

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Dien Bien Phu victory relic site

Dien Bien Phu victory relic area includes the Dien Bien Phu victory museum and monument; hills A1, C1, C2, D1; Hill A1 Martyrs Cemetery; Muong Thanh bridge and airport; Hong Cum base, Him Lam; Dien Bien Phu campaign headquarters… Coming to this relic, you will feel like returning to the years of the heroic war against the French to save the country.

The Dien Bien Phu victory monument complex consists of 3 soldiers standing back to back, holding a Thai baby, and on top is the flag of decisive victory. The statue is 16.6m high, made of brass, inside a reinforced concrete structure, and weighs 220 tons. The statue’s pedestal is 3.6m high and has a reinforced concrete structure, the outside is covered with fine art stone, and consists of 3 rectangular floors stacked diagonally on top of each other. At the same time, when you reach the statue, you will also be able to admire the whole Dien Bien city, because the statue is located on D1 hill.

Hill A1 Martyrs Cemetery has 644 graves of military officers and soldiers who sacrificed heroically in the Dien Bien Phu campaign and most of them are anonymous graves, only 4 graves have the names of the soldiers. heroic martyrs: To Vinh Dien, Phan Dinh Giot, Be Van Dan, Tran Can. The cemetery space is very quiet, the air is fresh, the environment is green, clean, and beautiful. General De Cat’s command bunker is located in the center of Dien Bien Phu stronghold group, in Muong Thanh field, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province. The structure, layout, and arrangement of the cellar remain unchanged. Surrounding the tunnel is a defensive fence with a dense barbed wire system and four tanks. Do Cat Tunnel is 20 m long and 8 m wide, including four rooms used for both living and working.

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Dien Bien Phu Victory Museum

Dien Bien Phu Historical Victory Museum is a work to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu inaugurated on May 5, 2014. The museum is designed in the shape of a truncated cone, with decorations around it shaped like a diamond, symbolizing the camouflage net of Uncle Ho’s army hat. In particular, the entire interior of the 2nd floor of the Museum is designed with a round painting, which is an important item in the Museum’s display content, the first round painting made in Vietnam.

The painting will most realistically recreate the ancient Dien Bien Phu battlefield. The Museum is displaying nearly 1,000 documents, artifacts, and images, contributing to vividly and clearly recreating the war against the French colonialists of our army and people, mainly images of day and night gouging mountains. , underground sleeping, pouring rain, and rice of the historic Dien Bien Phu campaign, making anyone who comes to visit feel moved and excited.

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Muong Thanh fields

Muong Thanh field in Dien Bien district, Lai Chau province has a length of about 23 km, an average width of 7 km to 9 km. Coming to Dien Bien, visitors will be surprised by the natural landscape and richness of the Muong Thanh field, which is more than 140 km2 wide – one of the fertile fields located between valleys spreading from Nghia Lo to Dien Bien. and was once ranked by Thai people as “first Thanh, second Lo, third Than, fourth Tac”.

Not only famous for its vast area and favorable intensive farming conditions, Muong Thanh field also brings delicious pearls to life, especially with the famous Dien Bien rice brand. From Dien Bien rice specialties, there are many delicious dishes prepared such as upland sticky rice and day cakes. Equally attractive are stream fish, bamboo shoot soup, boiled cabbage and rolled cabbage. That’s why Dien Bien always attracts so many tourists coming here, making them not only come here once but also come back.

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Pa Khoang Lake

Pa Khoang Lake is located in Muong Phang commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province. Pa Khoang Lake tourist area has a total area of 2,400 hectares, including 1,320 hectares of forest area, 600 hectares of lake water surface, and a capacity of 37.2 million m3 of water. Pa Khoang Lake is located in the middle of a majestic natural landscape, hidden in the clouds and water. With rich vegetation, forests around the lake and blooming orchid gardens, it is very suitable for relaxation. If you like a magical scene, come in winter, the mist covers the lake creating a dreamy landscape.

In summer, the air here is pleasant with cool southern winds. In the lake bed area, there are Thai and Kho Mu ethnic villages that still retain the customs and unique features of the Northwest ethnic groups… With natural and tourism potentials. Rich national cultural identity, Pa Khoang lake is always an attractive eco-tourism destination, every time tourists visit Dien Bien.

If visitors love magical and beautiful scenery, winter will be the right choice to admire the beauty of the mist surrounding the lake. Or if you want to enjoy the cool and fresh air as well as watch the clouds, sky and water, go boating, and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, then summer is the most perfect.

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Pa Thom Cave

Pa Thom Cave or Tien Hoa Cave is a karst cave in limestone mountains, in Pa Thom commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province.

30 km from the city center, Pa Thom cave is located halfway up the mountain, famous for being a beautiful cave, called “the cave of many flower fairies” by the people here. At an altitude of over 1,500 m above sea level, Pa Thom cave is surrounded in the middle of a dense primeval forest with rich biodiversity and vegetation. To get to the cave entrance, visitors have to walk a steep path of more than 200 meters long with bumpy rocks and many types of vines.

On this road, visitors will admire the rolling mountain scenery, see the stilt houses in the distance halfway up the mountain of ethnic minorities, hear the chirping of birds and gurgling streams. Through the small road, visitors will see that in the middle of the cave entrance is a giant rock that looks like an elephant’s head hanging down. The cave has 9 large and small arches with many stalactites with vivid and magical shapes. On the wall are blocks of stalactites like large, sparkling waterfalls flowing. Pa Thom Cave was granted a National Monument in 2009.

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Ta Sin Thang highland market

Besides the famous monuments and landscapes, Dien Bien also attracts tourists by the colorful and extremely interesting highland market, Ta Sin Thang highland market. A small market, held right in the central valley of the commune between four sides of steep mountains, floating white mist, Ta Sin Thang Market is held every Sunday.

Coming here, visitors will fully admire the Northwest colors of a highland market surrounded by rocky mountains. The market is not only a place to buy and sell goods, exchange goods, and gather, but also a festival for the people here. For Northwestern people, going to the market means going out, socializing, finding a partner, and choosing a partner, so they wear the most beautiful and brightest clothes to the market. The busiest are the stalls selling food such as sticky rice, thang co, and boiling thang co pans, always crowded with people coming in and out, next to bowls of fragrant Mong Pe wine imbued with the culture of the highlands that always attract tourists. guests everywhere. The market is like a cultural rendezvous in the subconscious of each person when visiting this highland land.

Ta Sin Thang market is a place to preserve the cultural characteristics of ethnic minorities in the highlands of Tua Chua – Dien Bien. Therefore, if you miss this place, it will be a pity for you because you will not have the opportunity to see the unique features of the highland market only found in the Northwest.

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A Pa Chai border junction

A Pa Chai is known as the westernmost location of our country’s mainland with a landmark dividing the boundary between 3 countries: Vietnam – China – Laos. A Pa Chai, located in Sin Thau commune, Muong Nhe district, 250 km from Dien Bien Phu.

If Pha Din Pass is said to be one of the tourist destinations in Dien Bien that attracts many tourists who want to conquer the dangers of the road, A Pa Chai is also a destination with an increasing number of young “travelers”. excited to come.

Most tourists when arriving here feel: A Pa Chai is like a beautiful, haughty girl, wanting to test the patience and sincerity of many passionate travelers who want to conquer this place. Moreover, when you come here you can admire the panoramic beauty of the mountains – clouds – sky – earth.

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Do Cat tunnel relic area

During the trip to Dien Bien Phu, visitors will also have the opportunity to visit the Do Cat tunnel relic site. General De Cat’s command bunker is located in the center of Dien Bien Phu stronghold group in Muong Thanh field, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province. Even though it has been nearly 60 years, the structure and layout of the basement are still intact.

Do Cat Tunnel was designed by the French colonialists very firmly, 20m long and 8m wide, including four rooms used for both living and working activities. The tunnel is surrounded by a defensive fence with a dense barbed wire system and four tanks.

Do Cat Tunnel is like a testament to the nation’s heroic history, countless blood, bones and tears of our army and people have been shed to have the moment when the red flag with yellow star fluttered on the roof of the tunnel. Contributed to later glorious victories and unified the country in the spring of 1975.

In addition, visitors can also visit the system of historical relics of the Dien Bien Phu victory, including: Dien Bien Phu campaign headquarters in Muong Phang; Him Lam, Ban Keo, and Doc Lap strongholds; hills C1, D1, E1. And there are many famous places in Dien Bien such as: Ban Phu Citadel, Xa Nhe Cave, Pa Thom Cave, Dien Bien Phu Victory Museum, Uva Hot Springs, Chieng So Tower,…

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Northwest Bach Hoa Vien

About 18 km from the center of Dien Bien Phu city, Northwest Bach Hoa Vien has an area of over 3 hectares, landscape design and planning, and meticulous investment in planting and caring for flowers to serve the needs of enjoyment. experiences and learning of residents and tourists. Northwest Bach Hoa Vien is an ideal place for young people and flower lovers to come here to visit, take photos and enjoy wonderful moments with plants, flowers and beautiful nature.

The Northwest Bach Hoa Vien possesses many beautiful, rich and diverse types of flowers such as roses, chrysanthemums, forget-me-nots, dahlias, sunflowers and most notably butterfly flowers and poppies. scallops, yellow mustard flowers, etc. Scenes around the flower valley such as the path between the flower garden, riverside huts, and rest stations are also designed harmoniously and rustically by the garden owner, contributing to creating favorable conditions for visitors and tourists. Schedule to take many beautiful photos without getting bored.

Visitors who have the opportunity to travel to Dien Bien will have moments of surprise and ecstasy before the brilliant colors of flowers at Bach Hoa Vien.

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