Top 10 famous tourist attractions in Hoa Binh that attract the most tourists

Nature has gifted Hoa Binh with many majestic and magnificent landscapes, valleys covered with clouds all year round, peaceful waterfalls flowing day and night, mysterious caves and extremely unique cultural features. of the mountainous peoples living here. All the beauty of nature here gives Hoa Binh a huge tourism potential. Next, Travel Vivu will introduce to you famous tourist destinations in Hoa Binh and suggest places to go out when you come here for your reference.


Thang Thien waterfall tourist area

Located on the Vien Nam mountain range, more than 50km west of Hanoi (in Ki Son district, Hoa Binh province). Thang Thien waterfall tourist area is covered by a vast green primeval forest with rich flora and fauna.

Thang Thien Waterfall – a large and beautiful waterfall, the highest in the tourist area. To reach the top of the waterfall, we have to conquer many “obstacles”: bumpy trails next to streams, steep slopes, slippery rocks full of moss… Hopefully with perseverance and determination. With dedication and ingenuity, you will “overcome challenges” to reach the final destination – the top of the beautiful Thang Thien waterfall. Standing at the highest position of the waterfall, you will feel like you are flying high, because of the surroundings. There are only clouds and water, with an area of more than 350 hectares covered by a vast green primeval forest with many rich flora and fauna species.

During the rainy season, Thang Thien waterfall is more beautiful than ever because during this time a lot of water flows in from the upstream, causing the rushing stream to create white foam like flowing hair. Besides, the majestic wild natural beauty and cool fresh climate all year round here have become very attractive and satisfy any tourist who comes to visit and relax.

Address: Ky Son district, Hoa Binh province

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Thien Long Cave

Thien Long Cave is also one of the attractive tourist destinations not to be missed when coming to Hoa Binh. The cave is located in a complex of relics in Yen Thuy district including one main cave (main palace) and two small cave niches (left palace and right palace).

Going deep into the cave, you will see a stone shelf, tilt up and you will see countless stalactites forming layers that look soft like cloud stairs, the stalactites hanging down look like curtains. definitely. When we get closer, the curtain opens, we see a very different world. These strange stalactites are like the embodiment of the vibrant, wild life millions of years ago and captivate people’s hearts as if wanting to hold the footsteps of countless tourists coming here.

Nature has created and endowed Thien Long cave with strange stalactites as the embodiment of vibrant, wild life millions of years ago. The masterpieces of nature captivate people’s hearts as if wanting to hold tourists’ footsteps.

Address: Lac Luong commune, Yen Thuy district, Hoa Binh province

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Silver Stone Cave

Da Bac Cave, also known as Tien Cave, belongs to Lien Son commune, Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province. Da Bac Cave, also known as Tien Cave, is located in the heart of Pai Day Mountain (also known as Hang Beo Mountain). The cave is about 70 meters long and is considered a work of art by nature with a delicate combination of sculpture and painting, between monumentality and strength with grace and poetry.

Entering the cave entrance, you feel as if you are overwhelmed by a forest of stalactites hanging down in bunches, each silvery white block floating like bunches of blooming flowers, when the light shines on the rocks suddenly brightening. glowing with blue, red, purple, and golden rays that look very “eye-catching”. Going deep inside are layers and layers of small rooms. Every step satisfies a little more curiosity, until you go deep inside to understand that this place turns out to be a hundred times and still has many corners that you cannot grasp.

Address: Lien Son commune, Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province

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Mai Chau Valley

Mai Chau Valley is a place in Hoa Binh province, only 140 km northwest of Hanoi. Mai Chau is beautiful, it is a vivid picture of life in the mountains created by many factors. Whenever you come to Mai Chau valley, you will feel the taste of life here. It is the peace and clarity of the living space, the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of mountains, houses, people and the overall picture of the colorful valley.

At any time, Mai Chau is captivated by the natural flavors of the fields, forests, houses and hospitable people. The weather is cool all year round, so when coming here, everyone feels relieved, relaxed and as if all the worries of life are dispelled.

Standing on Dragon Head Mountain and looking at the whole Mai Chau valley is incomparable. At high altitude, you will feel the majestic beauty of the mountains winding around the valley, admiring the whole valley as beautiful as a colorful painting.

There is the green and yellow color of the rice mats, the pink color of the houses, the green color of the trees… Especially, in the early morning, the whole valley hovers in the mist, making the space and weather become more beautiful. Mild. In the afternoon, mountain clouds hover in the air, crossing the mountains and swooping down into the valley, making the space become magical and poetic.

In particular, in Mai Chau, Ban Lac tourist area is famous for its attractive and convenient homestay service. Here, visitors will stay in lovely stilt houses with full amenities and services. Security here is absolutely safe, families don’t have to lock their doors most nights, the food services are delicious and the prices are very reasonable.

Address: Mai Chau Town, Mai Chau District, Hoa Binh Province

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Hoa Binh hydroelectric plant

Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant was built at Hoa Binh Lake, Hoa Binh province, on the Da River in Northern Vietnam. To date, this is the largest hydroelectric project in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. The factory was built and operated with help from the Soviet Union.

Construction started on November 6, 1979, and was inaugurated on December 20, 1994. The designed power production capacity is 1,920 MW, including 8 units, each unit has a capacity of 240,000 KW. Annual electricity output is 8.16 billion KWh. After 15 years of construction, including 9 years of both managing and supervising the construction of power units, Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant was inaugurated. Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant’s main tasks are:

Flood control: Da River is one of three main tributaries of the Red River system, accounting for 55% of the water volume. Hoa Binh hydroelectric project makes an important contribution to flood prevention for the Red River Delta, including the capital Hanoi.
Power generation: Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant is the main power supply source of the entire Vietnam power system. In 1994, with the inauguration of the factory and construction of the 500KV North-South line from Hoa Binh to Phu Lam station (Ho Chi Minh City), a national power network was formed. This project makes an effective contribution to providing electricity to the south and central regions of Vietnam.

In recent years, Hoa Binh hydroelectric plant is attracting more and more tourists to visit. Coming here, you will witness with your own eyes the wonderful architecture and cannot help but admire the human ability to block rivers and build dams to create a hydroelectric plant of such monumental scale. And this is also considered an attractive tourist destination in Hoa Binh that you should visit.

Address: Hoa Binh lake, Hoa Binh province

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Thung Nai

Thung Nai is a lake commune on the Da River in Cao Phong district, Hoa Binh province, located about 25 km from the center of Hoa Binh city. With its amazing beauty, Thung Nai is loved by many domestic and foreign tourists as “Ha Long Bay in the mountains”. Thanks to Hoa Binh’s very typical limestone mountain system, when flooded, Thung Nai is no different than Hoa Binh. a miniature Ha Long.

In Thung Nai, there are many places to visit and explore such as Mu village, Hoa Binh hydroelectric lake bed, Ba Chua Thac Bo temple, floating market, Trach cave, Thac Bo cave… The landscape in Thung Nai is beautiful and beautiful. Wild with rocky islands on the lake or dense forests. In addition to learning about the unique cultural features of the local people, visitors also have the opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes such as smoked Da River lake fish, Muong pig,…

Thung Lai is an interesting destination for many tourists from near and far. Coming to Thung Nai, when sitting on a small boat weaving between rocky islands, we will feel even more proud of the poetic beauty of the S-shaped strip of land. Not only is it beautiful in the flood season but also in the dry season of Thung Nai. Nai also wears an extremely unique and strange beauty that touches people’s hearts, making anyone feel enchanted by that poetic and graceful beauty. Coming here to travel on the weekends, you will feel your soul filled with sweet emotions and leave behind the noisy fatigue of the bustling city life.

Address: Thung Nai Commune, Cao Phong District, Hoa Binh City

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Lung Van

Lung Van is a famous place of one of the four largest and most ancient cultural cradles in Muong Hoa Binh (Muong Bi, Muong Vang, Muong Thang, Muong Dong). Lung Van is considered the roof of Muong because of its beautiful scenery. beautiful, majestic natural beauty and intact many traditional living features of the Muong people.

Lung Van is located about 40 km from Hoa Binh city center. Although located deep inside the Hoa Binh – Moc Chau road, the road is extremely dangerous with 13 km long steep uphill passes, but Lung Van has a strange appeal with magical clouds like a land of mountains. fairyland.

Lung Van is located at an altitude of 1,200m above sea level, covered with clouds all year round, and surrounded by Trau mountain, Po mountain, Tien mountain, so it is also known as Thung May. The thin clouds keep flying as if flirting with the traveler. The cool air surrounded by the mountain makes the hazy layer of clouds even more unreal. Coming to Lung Van, visitors can visit, stay overnight at the stilt houses of the Muong people, do daily work with the people or participate in community cultural activities… In Lung Van there is a single market, Located right in the center of the commune, meeting once a week on Tuesdays, visitors can come here to learn about the cultural beauty of the Muong ethnic group.

Address: Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province

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Thac Bo Cave

Bo Waterfall Cave is located in the Bo Waterfall Lord relic complex, a well-known ideal stop, attracting a large number of tourists to Lam Linh Bo Temple and enjoy Hoa Binh Lake.

Waterfall Bo Cave is located right on Ngoc wharf, on the northern mountainside, on the shore of Da River lake. Bo Waterfall was also known as Van Bo Waterfall, created by hundreds of large and small rocks undulating like a herd of giant elephants in the middle of the Da River. The cave is divided into three areas. In addition to the cave’s interior with stalactites, there is also a tourist reception area. At about 50 meters high is the Buddha worship area. This cave area is quite large and has cool air. In addition to the very large altar of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, the gods who govern this area… The cave is made up of various shaped stalactites formed by limestone residue: of small water. Drops remain for hundreds of thousands of years to see the endless creativity of magical nature. The different shapes of stalactites such as carp turning into dragons, golden trees, silver trees, sky umbrellas, sky parasols, stone musical instruments, Muong gong orchestras are like sacred music resounding like a heavenly instrument…

In addition, you can visit nearby tourist attractions such as Trach stream, Windmill island and motel, Bo market held on Sunday morning, Ngoi Hoa village and cave, fish cages on the lake… Learn about culture Culture, daily life, production, local people’s life such as boating, fishing, cooking, enjoying the special delicious taste of grilled fish, Da River fish dishes, enjoying specialties Mountains and forests like chicken steamed with lemon leaves, native pork grilled with honey served on banana leaves, boiled bamboo shoots, upland rice, wild cider, wild vegetables with fish entrails… All will leave impressive impressions. unforgettable after the journey to explore Bo waterfall cave and Da river lake.

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Hoa Tien Cave

Hoa Tien cave relic is located in the heart of the limestone mountain range, Mount Ba in Ngoi hamlet, Ngoi Hoa commune, Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province. About 1km east of where the relic is located, there is a large, clear lake that people in the area call the fairy bathing lake.

From the foot of the mountain, you follow the stone steps about 100m to the first cave entrance, the cave arch is 20m high, about 50m wide, with countless large and small stalactites. There is a giant stalactite “growing” from below like a Buddha sitting on a lotus throne, and there are also groups of smaller Buddha statues undulating next to it.

Going deeper on the left side are clear, calm lakes. The soft stalactites fall down the ladder beautifully and when tapped on it, the surrounding space resonates like a world of sound with the sounds of gongs and gongs from the early days of the wilderness. Next to the lake, a whole strip of lovely, smooth, colorful pebbles spreads all the way to the cave wall. After about two hours of enjoying the cave, you will come back out another way and when you sit on the boat down to Hoa Binh town, admiring the poetic lakeside scenery, you will still feel nostalgic forever. a magical Hoa Tien cave.

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Kim Boi mineral spring tourist area

Besides Thung Nai or Hoa Tien cave, Kim Boi mineral spring tourist area is also included in the list of interesting entertainment spots in Hoa Binh for you. Thanks to the natural hot mineral water flowing from the ground, which has very good effects on health (treating arthritis, blood pressure, stomach diseases…), many guests have chosen Kim Boi hot spring as a place to rest. and travel in winter. It is a natural hot mineral spring with many minerals that are very good for human health. Located at the heart of the hot mineral water springing up from the ground, it is known as the magical water stream that people here have passed down for many generations.

On weekends, you can come here to take a refreshing dip in the lake and enjoy the exciting feeling that the mountains and forests bring. It will make you feel relaxed and like you want to immerse yourself in the mountainous nature. , thousands of clouds.

Address: Mo Da hamlet, Ha Bi commune, Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province

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