Top 8 places to experience the best scuba diving in Vietnam

Summer is coming with hot weather that makes us want to splash around in the cool, clear blue water of the sea. Besides swimming, scuba diving is also one of the popular underwater activities in our country. In this article,Travel Vivu will share with you the most beautiful scuba diving locations in Vietnam for you to explore and experience next summer.


Côn Đảo

Choosing to experience diving to see coral in Con Dao will help you and your guests have more opportunities to discover new mysteries beneath the ocean. Diving to see coral is also a way for you to learn more about the colorful, attractive and mysterious animals and plants under the sea.

When should you go scuba diving to see coral?

According to the experience of beachgoers and professional divers, the best time to dive to see coral is from March to June. This is the time when the sea is calm and the water is clear, so it is easy to experience the reefs firsthand. beautiful coral. In addition, from November to January next year is also suitable for scuba diving, but you should monitor the weather before deciding to dive to see coral.

Centers providing coral diving services in Con Dao:
If you travel on a tour that requires diving to see coral, you should choose tour providers that include scuba diving. You just need to come and have a wonderful coral diving experience. In case you travel on your own, you can contact some of the centers below to register for coral diving services. according to your request.

– Rainbow Divers is the center providing the largest coral diving services here. You will be able to rent diving suits as well as hire a guide to ensure safety. You need to register in advance here to avoid not being able to rent items due to closure from September to March next year. The price of the service is about 750,000 VND/person.

– Dive Senses Con Dao is part of Con Dao Resort’s services provided to customers at this resort. You can also still register to use it when you are not staying here. The unit provides year-round diving services for tourists. The cost for one person to dive to see coral also fluctuates around 750,000 VND.

– Go back! Go back! Go back! It is also a center providing scuba diving services for tourists with many different diving packages ranging from 900,000 – 2,200,000 VND/person.

All centers provide diving service packages from A to Z including picking up tourists, taking tourists to pristine islands for camping and diving all day.

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Phú Quốc

Scuba diving to see coral on Phu Quoc island is one of the interesting experiences loved by many tourists. If you want to have this experience, don’t miss the full coral diving experience on Phu Quoc island below.

The ideal time to scuba dive to see coral on Phu Quoc island:
With the diverse marine ecosystem of An Thoi archipelago, 12 large and small islands in the South. In the north of Phu Quoc island, it is an ideal destination for tourists to dive to see coral, with the coral reefs here ranking first in the country with an abundance of 17 different types of hard, soft and anemones.

When is the best time to scuba dive to see coral on Phu Quoc island?

The most ideal time to scuba dive is from May to July, the sea is calm and the water is clear with visibility 20-30cm. For an enjoyable experience, join a scuba diving tour organized by companies or hotels.

The following are the main coral diving services in Phu Quoc:

Coral diving by snorkeling: You can easily book this tour at many Phu Quoc travel companies for only 280,000 – 350,000 VND/person. Hotel transfers and lunch on board are included

Scuba diving to see coral: You will have a bit of a hard time finding a place to scuba dive at a good price, but currently the price of this tour ranges from 910,000 – 1,400,000 VND/person. Lunch, transportation, and comfortable snorkeling are included

Walking under the sea: This tour is quite expensive, about 950,000 VND/person, only diving for 25-30 minutes and only picked up at the port without hotel pick up. There used to be a car to pick you up, but for some reason, it’s gone now. In my opinion after going on this tour. I recommend you guys to try it

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Nha Trang

Scuba diving is a tourist activity not to be missed when traveling to Nha Trang, especially young people who love to explore and learn about the ocean. Below are scuba diving experiences in Nha Trang and beautiful and safe scuba diving locations in Nha Trang.

Diving locations in Nha Trang:

Monkey Island:

Monkey Island, also known as Hon Lao, is located in Nha Phu lagoon. There are many monkeys here, so it is called Monkey Island. This is one of the safe places that tourists choose to dive into Nha Trang sea.

Pristine beach, clear blue sea water and many beautiful coral reefs. This is a hiding place for many types of strange and precious sea fish. Because of that, it attracts the curiosity of tourists who want to explore the blue ocean.

Traveling to Monkey Island Nha Trang, visitors will have prepared all their belongings and be ready for scuba diving. You can climb along the small path and rocks to the beach according to the guide’s instructions and start diving. The most wonderful moment is watching the beautiful and colorful coral reefs, playing with the sea fish swimming around as if welcoming friends from far away to visit.

Hon Mun:

Hon Mun is located about 10km from Cau Da. Located in the Southeast of Bong Nguyen Island, it will take about 45 minutes by boat. Just setting foot here is enough to captivate visitors with the wild beauty of Hon Mun Nha Trang.

Just like Monkey Island, Hon Mun in Nha Trang is an ideal destination for tourists diving to see the sea. The sea water here is clear blue with countless beautiful coral species. There’s nothing better than diving into the sea and looking at the ocean floor.

Unlike Monkey Island, tourists who want to dive to see Nha Trang beach must take a boat to the middle of the sea, then follow the tour guide’s instructions and jump from the boat. The feeling of wearing swimming goggles and placing your face in the water, you can freely play with fish. But remember, don’t touch the coral because it will easily cause damage.

Binh Hung Island:

The beautiful island appears with a very special freshwater rock cave, clear blue water with a clear view of the beautiful coral reefs below. Binh Hung Island is gifted by nature with a very beautiful location. In addition to swimming, you can also freely admire the beautiful coral reefs hidden behind the water. Coming to Binh Hung Island, you can also enjoy delicious dishes made from many types of seafood such as shrimp, crab, oysters, snails, mussels and many Cam Ranh specialties as gifts.

What is the ticket price for a diving trip to see Nha Trang beach?
Diving ticket prices to see Nha Trang sea are suitable for tourists’ budgets, each person ranges from 450,000 VND – 700,000 VND/time including shuttle boat and full diving preparation equipment as well as professional instruction from the guide. diving guide. If you come to Nha Trang beach, don’t refuse this interesting experience.

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Cù Lao Chàm

Cu Lao Cham Tourism is known not only as a world-famous biosphere in terms of ecology. In addition, Cu Lao Cham is also known for its beautiful and shimmering coral reefs that attract all tourists coming here. The special thing is that Cu Lao Cham is a place to preserve and develop precious coral reefs that are only found here.

When should you go scuba diving to see coral?
The best time to travel to Cu Lao Cham is from March to August, because this time is sunny and warm, the sea is calm and clear, the weather is beautiful, there is little rain, making it convenient to travel and visit. , take pictures and participate in marine sports activities.

Most tourists visiting the Cu Lao Cham Tour must admire the coral here. With the needs on the Cu Lao Cham Tour, there are services to serve tourists diving to see coral as follows:

Shallow diving: Includes goggles, snorkel, and fins. Shallow diving from 1m – 2m

Deep diving: Includes oxygen tank, goggles, snorkel, fins, diving instructor. Diving depth from 1m – 5m

Sea walking, Deep diving: Includes oxygen tank, goggles, snorkel, fins. Diving depth from 1m – 5m

Address: Tan Hiep island commune, Hoi An city, Quang Nam province

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Vịnh Vĩnh Hy

Vinh Hy is one of the 4 most beautiful bays in Vietnam, more than 1 hour drive from Phan Rang city center. Vinh Hy Bay is a destination not to be missed for those who love natural beauty and are passionate about scuba diving activities. Vinh Hy is a place that still has many wild, almost intact features from mother nature. White sand beaches are surrounded by vast forests and mountains. Vinh Hy’s terrain is like a thorny rose, dangerous but heartbreakingly beautiful.

On land it is wild, but under the sea it is poetic and lyrical. The sea in Vinh Hy is extremely clear, with more than 300 species of coral and a variety of flora and fauna. Vinh Hy is an ideal place to explore the beauty of the ocean. If tourists are shy about scuba diving, Vinh Hy has glass-bottomed boats so visitors can comfortably enjoy the underwater scenery.

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Kỳ Co - Bình Định

Ky Co – Binh Dinh is located in Ly Luong village, Nhon Ly, Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh. Ky Co impresses with its clear blue water beach, very popular with domestic and foreign tourists. Tourists often come here to camp, picnic, swim, and live freely. Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh in general and Ky Co have a temperate climate so you can come here at any time of the year, but for the most convenience, you should go from February to August.

Coming to Ky Co, in addition to enjoying the scenery, exploring, taking photos or lying on the rock listening to the sound of waves, visitors can also participate in experiential activities such as fishing, diving to see coral, swimming… Thanks to that, you can admire surprisingly beautiful coral reefs and fish, large and small, with extremely strange colors. In addition, visitors also have the opportunity to taste rustic dishes with unique flavors in Ky Co such as: grilled snails, grilled abalone, crab, steamed squid, grilled sea urchin with onion fat…

Address: Ly Luong village, Nhon Ly, Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh

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Hòn Hai Bờ Đập - Nam Du

Nam Du archipelago – a domestic tourist destination that is popular with many people. Not only does it have rare wild beauty in nature, this archipelago also has Hon Hai Bo Dap – a place that helps tourists have the opportunity to experience Diving. The first impression when coming to Hai Bo Dap island is that this place still retains the wild, intact appearance of an island not yet affected by humans, the marine ecosystem here is very diverse with many species of fish. and the beautiful, shimmering coral reefs under the clear blue sea water.

Hon Hai Bo Dam belongs to the Nam Du archipelago. The sea water here is shallow and clear, the seabed has many rocks, which is a good environment for many types of coral to live. Coral diving is a new type of tourism on Hon Hai Bo Dap, so it is loved by domestic tourists thanks to the interesting things it brings. When diving coral, you can observe a completely new ecosystem under the sea.

Address: Nam Du commune, Kien Hai district, Kien Giang province, about 20-30 minutes by tourist boat from Cu Tron island

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Son Tra Peninsula

Along with the above locations, Travel Vivu also wants to suggest to you Son Tra peninsula – a place considered the “jewel” of Da Nang. The vibrant Son Tra district attracts many people by Man Thai beach, famous for its walking paths, where fishermen often use basket boats to harvest the day’s catch. Coming to Da Nang’s Son Tra peninsula, you will experience one of the most beautiful coral diving locations in our country. Son Tra Peninsula is located on a mountain jutting out into the sea, so the ideal time is still from February to September.

You will be able to see the magical world of corals with strange shapes, along with many types of marine flora and fauna. Visitors visiting Son Tra Peninsula will be able to immerse themselves in the cool water of the sea, see and touch colorful coral reefs and swimming sea creatures. Around this area, many hotel systems are also gradually appearing for tourists to stay.

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